Most people who come to my website are looking for information on my books. On this page you'll find information on everything I've published, with links to cover art, sample chapters and additional information. The books are organized by series. Hover over a book cover to get more information about that book.

Mercy #11: Storm Cursed

Mercy #12: Smoke Bitten

Mercy #13: Soul Taken

Mercy #14: Winter Lost
Urban Fantasy
Mercedes is a Volkswagen mechanic living in the Tri-Cities area of Washington. Her Native American heritage has gifted her with the ability to take the form of a coyote at will. She's surrounded by far more powerful supernatural beings, including werewolves, vampires and an assortment of fae.

Alpha&Omega #5: Burn Bright

Alpha&Omega #6: Wild Sign

Alpha&Omega #7: TBA
Urban Fantasy
This series is set in the same world as the Mercy Thompson Series, but on a slightly earlier time line. It begins with a novella titled Alpha and Omega published in the On the Prowl anthology. The decision to continue the story was made after the anthology had already been published, which has caused some confusion, since "book 1" is a actually a continuation of the short story. The series has plenty of action, but there's more emphasis on the romantic attraction between the hero and heroine. On a romance-readers scale, this series is sweet rather than steamy.
High Fantasy
This series is set in a medieval setting, with small clans of nomadic people known as "travelers" who often have magical talents. This series focuses on a retired warrior Tier, his traveler wife, Seraph, and their family. The first book can be read by itself, and resolves well. The sequel is best enjoyed after reading the first book.
This is a two-book series. Dragon Bones is a stand-alone story, which resolves the major plot threads nicely. Dragon Blood depends on the reader having some knowledge of the world, and references events from the previous book, and is best read after Dragon Bones.
A stand-alone novel featuring an untrained mage and a magical creature with a flirtatious tail, set in its own world.
Wolfsbane is a tightly-coupled sequel to Masques, and won't make much sense by itself. Other than Wolfsbane, this is a loosely-woven series, and the books can be read in any order. They share the same world, but each book is a stand-alone story with its own cast of characters.
Short fiction, anthology entries, and miscellaneous publications
Adventures of Sword and Sorcery, #6: My first short-story sale. The story was called Wishing Well. Free to read here.
Silver Birch, Blood Moon [1999 | ISBN: 0380786222]: A fairy tale anthology edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. My story, The Price is a retelling of Rumplestiltskin.
Wolfsbane and Mistletoe [2008 | ISBN: 0441016332]: An anthology of christmas-themed urban fantasy short stories edited by Charlaine Harris. My entry is called Star of David, and centers on David Christiansen, who was briefly mentioned in Moon Called. It's a heartwarming story of how murder and deception can bring a family together. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Strange Brew [2009 | ISBN: 0312383363]: This is an anthology of witch-based stories edited by P. N. Elrod featuring stories some of my all-time favorite authors. Of course, I had to sneak a werewolf into the mix. And a dash of romance, and a snippet of revenge. Eye of newt, wing of bat . . . My story is called Seeing Eye. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Homecoming [2009 | ISBN: 0345509889]:Dabel Brothers Comics is producing the "Mercy Thompson" series of graphic novels. The first four episodes have been published as a book in cooperation with Del Rey. To be honest, the whole graphic novel thing is a bit of a mystery to me, but I sure like the pretty pictures!
Naked City [2011 | ISBN: 0312385242]: Edited by Ellen Datlow. My entry, Fairy Gifts deals with a vampire who finds some measure of redemption in the mines far below Butte, Montana. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Home Improvement: Undead Edition [2011 | ISBN: 0441020356]: My story is titled Gray. A vampire returns to her first home, and finds more than the memories she was seeking. Edited by Charlaine Harris & Toni L.P. Kelner. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Down These Strange Streets [2014 | ISBN: 0441020747]: "In Red, with Pearls" in the Urban Fantasy anthology edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois. Poor Warren has terrible neighbors. Apparently, nobody told them that antagonizing a werewolf isn't as fun as it sounds. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Shifting Shadows [2014 | ISBN: 0425265005]: A compilation of short stories in the Mercyverse, including all the stories from previous anthologies as well as several new ones.
SS: Silver [2014 | ISBN: 0425265005]: This is probably the only depressing story I've ever written, and it was a hard story to write. This covers how Bran and Samuel were first made into werewolves, and how Samuel first fell in love with the Ariana. Of course, as we learned in Silver Borne, things have to take a tragic turn.
SS: Roses in Winter [2014 | ISBN: 0425265005]: A young girl survives a werewolf attack, and is transformed into a werewolf. When she wasn't able to control the wolf, she was moved to Bran's pack. The law is absolute: if a werewolf cannot learn to control the wolf, they must be destroyed for the safety of all. With hope fading, Asil intervenes.
SS: Redemption [2014 | ISBN: 0425265005]: Ben's got a quick temper, and a quicker tongue. He's also made a bet that he can stop swearing for a week, and it just might change his life.
SS: Hollow [2014 | ISBN: 0425265005]: A wealthy recluse is haunted by a terrible ghost, and asks Mercy for help. What could possibly go wrong?
A Fantastic Holiday Season [2014 | ISBN: 9781614752028]: This is a Christmas anthology, edited by Kevin J. Anderson and Keith J. Olexa. I wrote a little story called Unappreciated Gifts. Some of the pack members think Asil should get out more, so they've challenged him to accept a series of blind dates . . .
Fantastic Hope [2020 | ISBN: 9780593099209]: A sci-fi and fantasy anthology edited by Laurell K. Hamilton and William McCaskey. Patty's contribution is called Asil and the Not-Date.
Heroic Hearts [2022 | ISBN: 9780593099193]: An Urban fantasy anthology celebrating heroes who do the right thing when they are called upon. Patty's story is called Dating Terrors. Asil finds an online date that might just turn into something more - if she can escape the dark magic binding her.
Instinct [2023 | ASIN: BOBJ2S88P5]: An animal rescuers antholgy edited by L.J. Hachmeister. Patty's story is A Memory of Witches, a story about Sherwood Post and his kitten Pirate.