Soul Taken
Release Date Moved to June 21, 2022
By: Patty
December 10, 2021
Dear Readers,
Mea Culpa. I am still not finished with Soul Taken, which means that a March 2022 publication is out.
I honestly don't know what the problem has been, though I suspect that the ongoing Plague Year Part Two has a lot to do with it.
This whole situation has reminded me that I am lucky in both my publishing house and my editor who have been unbelievably supportive.
The good news is that the book is now (finally) coming along fine. In order to insure that you get the best Mercy possible, we have moved Soul Taken to June 21, 2022.
This is a tentative date as there is a strong possibility that it might be sooner if I get finished soon. The publication date move will allow us time to do a really good editing run.
This is vitally important to me because it is in the editing phase that most of the humor and best moments are polished. Mercy might understand if I sent a story out into the world
wasn't happy with, but I have a feeling that a few of my other imaginary friends would quit speaking to me.
Thank you so much for your understanding.
With love,
Patricia (Patty) Briggs
P.S. It has been suggested that Asil may be at fault here - his next date story comes out in the Heroic Hearts anthology in May, and his ego would not stand for sharing the limelight with Mercy. That makes sense to me, so it's really not Patty's fault!
--Ann the trusty assistant
P.P.S. Your supportive comments are making Patty and I snivel! I've said it before and it's still the truth - Patty has the very BEST fans in the whole wide world. You guys are awesome and amazing!
--Ann the trusty assistant
Bone Crossed Hardcover Giveaway
Silver Borne Hardcover Giveaway
Both Autographed By Patty
Open to International Entries Only
By: Ann
November 23, 2021
The US publishers do contests for Mercyverse books and merchandise on a semi-regular basis, but Patty's fans who live in other places don't usually get to participate. So we're going to even it up a little and give these other fine folks a chance to score!
We have acquired one hardback edition of Bone Crossed and one hardback edition of Silver Borne, both in English with the amazing Dan Dos Santos artwork on the covers.
This giveaway will only be open to fans outside the USA.
As most of us in the US have discovered, these are collector's items and they're hard to find - we know, because we've been desperately looking!
Once the drawing is done, the two winners can let us how they would like Patty to sign the books for them before we mail them out. It will be a fine holiday season for two lucky people - good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Instinct Cover Reveal
An Animal Charity Anthology
Release Date 2023
By: Ann
October 26, 2021
A cover reveal for a wonderful charity anthology that will be out in 2023 - isn't it just beautiful? Patty will be contributing a story in here, as well as all these other incredible authors.
I absolutely cannot wait until this comes out; it will be absolutely amazing! And all profits go straight to animal charities, so it's for a great cause as well as enhancing your bookshelves! It is not yet available for pre-order; I'll post here when it is.
And I cannot share what Patty's story is about because she hasn't written it yet, LOL! She is working hard on finishing up Soul Taken, and once that's done and edited, she can focus her bloodthirsty eyes - I mean - her creative instincts on which character she wants to torture next. Oops, I meant which character she wants to give a lovely adventure to, of course. My goodness, my fingers keep slipping on the keyboard today! ??
--Ann the trusty assistant
Moon Called Hardcover Giveaway
No Dust Jacket Cover - Old Library Copy
Open to International Entries
By: Linda
August 27, 2021
We have an old hardcover library copy of Moon Called to giveaway. It has no dust jacket cover and it's a bit beat up but we thought someone might like it.
No location restrictions so wherever you are in the world you can enter to win it. Good luck everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Heroic Hearts Anthology
Pre-Order Links Up
Release Date May 3, 2022
August 4, 2021
This upcoming Urban Fantasy anthology is edited by Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes. Patty's story is called "Dating Terrors". Asil finds an online date might just turn into something more - if she can escape the dark magic binding her.
Pre-order links up are up on various sites:
Amazon US
Amazon Canada
Amazon France
Amazon Germany
Virtual LibertyCon 33
Patricia Briggs Videos
July 5, 2021
Eventeny has put up the videos for the online LibertyCon. If you didn't get a chance to view the ones that Patty participated in then you can watch them now!
Opening Ceremonies: Brandy Bolgeo Hendren (mod.), Patricia Briggs, Seanan McGuire, Art Dula, Doc Osborn, Tiffany Toland-Scott, Gray Rinehart
The Allure of Urban Fantasy: Lydia Sherrer (mod), Patricia Briggs, Mel Todd, and Seanan McGuire
Q&A Patricia Briggs: Toni Weisskopf (mod)
Xenoarcheology Roadshow - livestream panel: Jody Lynn Nye (mod), Patricia Briggs, Jim Beall, and Doc Osborn
The Art and Craft of Writing Humor: Patricia Briggs, Jody Lynn Nye, Karen Bogen, Bill Fawcett (mod)
Mercy Thompson #13: Soul Taken
Cover Reveal
Release Date March 8, 2022
June 15, 2021
Patty and I are in complete agreement: Daniel Dos Santos is an absolute genius, and Patty is so very lucky to have him as her cover artist! We love, love, love this cover for SOUL TAKEN - it is breathtaking!
--Ann the trusty assistant
Mercy Thompson #13: Soul Taken
Released March 8, 2022
Up for Pre-Order on Multiple Sites
June 9, 2021
The vampire Wulfe is missing. Since he's deadly, possibly insane, and his current idea of "fun" is stalking Mercy, some may see it as no great loss. But when he disappears, the Tri-Cities pack is blamed.
The mistress of the vampire seethe informs Mercy that the pack must produce Wulfe to prove their innocence, or the loose alliance between the local vampires and werewolves is over.
So Mercy goes out to find her stalker and discovers more than just Wulfe have disappeared. Someone is taking people from locked rooms, from the aisles of stores, and even from crowded parties. And these are not just ordinary
people but supernatural beings. Until Wulfe vanished, all of them were powerless loners, many of whom quietly moved to the Tri-Cities in the hope that the safety promised by Mercy and Adam's pack would extend to them as well.
Who is taking them? As Mercy investigates, she learns of the legend of the Harvester, who travels by less-trodden paths and reaps the souls that are ripe with a great black scythe. . . .
We have some pre-order links for Soul Taken. More will be up soon.
Amazon US: Hardcover and Ebook
Amazon UK
Amazon Canada
Barnes and Noble US
Kobo US
Soul Taken Cover Sneak Peak
From Dan Dos Santos
June 2, 2021
Dan is working on the cover for the upcoming Mercy Thompson novel Soul Taken and posted a picture of the progress.
Patty's hard at work writing it and it'll be released in March 2022. So just a little something to tide you over!
If you aren't already following Dan on social media, what are you waiting for??
Dan's Website
Dan's Facebook
Dan's Instagram
Patty & Dan Dos Santos Attending Dragon Con
Sept 2-6, 2021
May 19, 2021
Whoa, big announcement time! (Sorry, no, it's not another book announcement, LOL - didn't mean to get your hopes up!
Patty and her ultra talented, genius cover artist Daniel Dos Santos have been chatting. We are all fully vaccinated now, and we have all decided to attend DragonCon this year! That may not be quite the announcement you were expecting, but to us, it's huge! Our conversations went something like this:
"There will be people there."
"Yes. Lots of people there."
"Yes. Lots and lots and lots of people there!"
(sounds of cowering)
It's so funny how this last year has changed us! I used to adore big gatherings of people, but now it seems like such A Very Big Deal! 😆 But we can do it! We'll put on our big kid underwear and travel and meet people again! But maybe we'll wear big, dark sunglasses so you can't see our deer-in-headlights expressions, LOL! It's going to be strange and wonderful to see you all in person again!
One little disclaimer, which I probably don't even need to mention, but I will anyway: Patty and Dan won't be doing hugs or selfies with folks. It pains them dreadfully, but we want everyone to stay safe! Hopefully in a few years, this evil virus will be less harmful, but for now we're going to err on the side of caution.
Wow. I can't believe we're going to travel again! This is astounding to me! We are SO looking forward to seeing some of you at DragonCon this September (the 2nd through the 6th) in Atlanta! Hopefully this is the start of our new normal, and we can travel more again next year!
--Ann the trusty assistant
Check their page for details when they update DragonCon 2021 - Sept 2-6
Patty Through the Lens
Appearances in the Time of Covid
Liberty Con
May 15, 2021
Patty did a super fun Skype panel on xeno-archeology for LibertyCon today - all the panelists went to town with their "artifacts" and professorial "credentials," LOL! I laughed so hard! I think the other panelists did
not realize Patty could be so evil, and were grateful it had to be family friendly!
--Ann the trusty assistant
Liberty Con is going virtual this year. Patty is their Literary Guest of Honor. She and the other GOH are all on virtual panels this year and attending Liberty Con June 17-19, 2022!
Go check out the website for details on the virtual panels as well as next year's phyical con. Virtual Liberty Con - June 25-27.
New Online Event with Patty
Wed April 21st - 4:00-5:00PDT
April 9, 2021
Registration is open!
Patty's just confirmed a new online event, this one sponsored by Schuler Books in Michigan, a bookstore where Patty has had signing events. This is an online Q&A. It's free but
the organizers would like for people to pre-register through EventBright. Get all the details here: Pre-registration Page for Patty's Online Event
Save the date and after registering head over to Schuler's Webpage and see what stock they have of Patty's books. You many find something you've been looking for!
Patty Through the Lens
Appearances in the Time of Covid
April 8, 2021
Unfortunately due to large group and travel restrictions Patty's appearances this year have been virtual. With the release of the now NYT Bestselling novel Wild Sign
Patty did two online Q&A sessions. The first was with long time collaborator University Book Store in Seattle, WA.
If you missed the live chat, which was on March 17th, you can view it on the University Book Store YouTube Channel. Anne Bishop had a guest appearance! We miss you too Anne!
Just days after that on March 20th Patty had a conversation with author Chelsea Mueller sponsored by another long time collaborator Murder By the Book in Houston, TX.
You can view that on the Murder By the Book YouTube Channel.
Just today Patty participated in a podcast with the Wicked Wallflowers Club to talk about Wild Sign. You can head over to their website and listen to the podcast.
It's been a challenging time when we're used to seeing Patty in person doing her signing tours and con appearances. We all look forward to when in-person appearances can happen again but in the meantime hopefully these will help if you're missing seeing her face or listening to her talk about her characters and books.
April Fools
Broadway Presents: Cur-Tailed, The Musical!
April 1, 2021
Even though we can all agree that a muscial based on the life of Christy would be epic...this is just an April Fools prank from the twisted minds of Patty and Ann. Hope you enjoyed it!

The passion! The danger! The amazing life of Christy Hauptman! "At last, I can tell my whole story," says Ms. Hauptman. "I can't wait to
share with my fans everywhere about how I've been so mistreated!"
Set to ear-worming tunes that will haunt you for the rest of your days! As a bonus, there are even some of her original recipes set to music
that will have you dancing around your kitchen to create homemade everything - choreography included! "Don't Use Grocery Store Pasta" is
sure to be a Top 40 Hit!
A sequel to Flea Bitten, the 2020 runaway best selling novel, Cur-Tailed The Musical continues the fascinating saga of Christy's exciting life, including updates in her
lawsuit against the creators of the cruel Facebook memes "Don't be a Christy." In addition to edge-of-your-seat-suspense, the musical will also share important household
hints, such as the removal of blue dye from one's skin without drying it out. "Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize" is a catchy ditty that's sure to lift your spirits!
To the great joy of audiences everywhere, Cur-Tailed, The Musical will debut in New York and travel around the world. Offers for a series from
HBO, Netflix and Amazon are expected!
Wild Sign on the Best Seller Lists!
USA Best Seller and NYT Best Seller
By: Ann
March 29, 2021
Wheeeee! Wild Sign is #2 on the USA Today Best Seller List! Hooray!!! Thank you, amazing fans of Patricia Briggs - we love you guys!
USA Today Best Seller List
Update: I just learned that Wild Sign is also #2 on the New York Times print & ebook combined Best Seller List, and #9 on the NYT print list!
Thank you to everyone who bought a copy to support Patty, Anna, and Charles!
--Ann the trusty assistant
Getting a Signed Copy
Seeing Patty on Zoom
February 19, 2021
Patty won't be travelling for book signings in 2021 due to Covid restrictions but she is booked for two Zoom virtual Q&A. Go have a look at Patty's 2021 Appearances Page, both events offer signed copies of Wild Sign but you'll need to contact them for more details.
How can you get a book signed? There are several different options open for you.
For books you already own (earlier books in the series other than a new release or other series) or new releases that you've pre-ordered that don't have the author signing option this would be the best option. You can mail your book/books directly to Patty and she'll sign them for you. How does that work? You mail it to Ann, Patty's assistant here:
Ann Peters
P.O. Box 5394
Benton City, WA 99320
What you'll need to include when you mail your book. Be sure to remember to send it with a prepaid envelope so you can get your book back. For personalization this is Ann's email: Drop her a line and let her know what you'd like for Patty to write in your book. Do you want a coyote drawing? Do you want Patty to say you're her biggest fan? Let Ann know and she'll pass it along. Or tuck a note in your book when you mail it with what you want Patty to write in it.
The Signed Page is for readers who haven't purchased their new release of Wild Sign yet. Head over to their website here. There you'll be able to purchase the book there and say how you'd like to have Patty personalize it for you.
Adventures Underground is also for readers who haven't purchased their new release yet. Head over to their website order guide here. This is a bookstore local to Patty and they also have books other than new releases that you can purchase. Patty will go in masked up and social distanced to sign the books there at a time not open to the public. There's also the option to have your book personalized so be sure to add what you want it to say when you order it.
Alpha&Omega #5: Wild Sign
Patricia Briggs
Released March 16, 2021
Charles and Anna