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Articles of Magic

Magical artifacts that have been used or mentioned in the Mercyverse. This is a combined list across classifications.

How to Read Format

Name of Magical Artifact: Alphabetical (All known names listed) plus Classification that created artifact—Link will lead to page of expanded classification details. Major artifacts will have an individual page with expanded details.

  • IA: Initial Appearance of Artifact (Book or Short Fiction) - Link will lead to series or short fiction summaries and snapshot
  • Artifact Description and Usage Details (If Known)


Aiden's Wardrobe

Aiden's Wardrobe | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Aiden Hauptman

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Fire Touched

  • filled with fae artifacts318
  • cobbled together out of bits and pieces of other things318
  • was split into two halves318
  • right side; shelves filled with bright-colored fabric bags of all sorts of sizes and colors, with small boxes of bone, wood, or laquer, and larger, jewelry-box-sized boxes; the bottom shelf was full of folded cloth318
  • left side; held staves and swords and pole arms of all kinds318
  • the wardrobe doesn't let power leak; because power attracts attention318
  • if Aiden dies then Underhill will reclaim what is in the wardrobe; she has her own treasures and some of the contents come from there319

Antler Knife

Antler Knife | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned
Asil Moreno
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Frost Burned

  • hunting knife; with a dark blade that showed just a touch of rust210
  • hilt was some sort of antler
  • runic lettering down the blade but when you looked at it directly that disappeared210
  • it doesn't like to stay in one place when interesting things are going on213


Athame | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #11: Storm Cursed
Hardesty Family Witches
Ruth Gillman
Sherwood Post
Uncle Mike

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Storm Cursed

  • a silver knife261
  • was supposed to kill Ruth265
  • if holding it; feeling that you should just set it down and forget about it269
  • destroyed by the Sherwood's wolf; sank it two inches into Uncle Mike's scarred wooden desk and snapped it270
  • only way the wolf knew how to destroy it; had to work with the limits he had270
  • it released a wave of horrid, filthy magic270
  • the witches could have done all sorts of nasty things with it287
  • they could have used it to take over anyone who held the knife287
  • they killed five or six people to make it—and that's if they had plenty of practice287
  • it's useless now that it's broken287


Bonarata Room

Bonarata Room | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Jacob Bonarata
Mary Deceased
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silence Fallen

  • cool—almost cold09
  • looked like a walk-in freezer; all shiny, silvery surfaces09
  • once in the room no magic can pass11
  • some sort of barricade magic or a circle11
  • circle of warding, one that does not let magic pass in or out; will block a werewolf bond109

Bracers of Giant Strength

Bracers of Giant Strength |Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
O'Donnell Deceased
Tim Milanovich Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • silver bands worn around each wrist247
  • not bracers; bracelets or maybe wristlets; bracers are longer247
  • strength of giants

Bronze Sword

Bronze Sword |Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked
Otterkin Bearded Deceased
Walking Stick

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
River Marked

  • flared with an orange light and broke301
  • whatever magic it had held wasn't up to dealing with Lugh's walking stick301



Carnwennen | Fae
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #2: Hunting Ground
Anna Cornick
Arthur Madden Deceased
Dana Shea Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Hunting Ground

  • AKA Little White Hilt
  • stinks of magic
  • King Arthur's dagger
  • was used to hunt the Very Black Witch274
  • as long as Anna's forearm, almost enough to be a short sword instead of a dagger274
  • King Arthur supposedly cut the witch in half with it
  • Anna used it to kill the Gray Lord Dana Shea

Carrie Green Storage

Carrie Green Storage | Witch
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Carrie Green Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Wild Sign

  • Green Family Witches& Erasmus Family Witches grimoires; several boxes and bag; the largest collection Charles Cornick has run across in one place183
  • the grimoires should be burned but doing that brings its own set up dangers; they had been ignored for a long time, and they didn't want to be hidden again185
  • Health, Joy, Luck charms; handmade bracelets and necklaces crafted from inexpensive wooden beads; price fifteen dollars250
  • Protection from Evil charm; a jade bead strung on a silver chain; price tag of two thousand dollars; held real power; but not enough to make it very strong250
  • Death charm; a bone shard strung on leather; no price; no feeling of darkness to the magic; its a cyanide pill250
  • smaller charms even taken together, there was no harm in them: purpose of each was very carefully set; impossible to use additively; just the nature of that kind of charm251
  • an antique spool cabinet; two feet square and a little older than Charles Cornick; a family heirloom; it had sic drawers with spools of thread set on individual dowels—organized by color, black in the top drawer working down to white252
  • bird's-eye maple; the thread and the cabinet are both magical; its use isn't known252

Clarent Sword AKA Sword in the Stone

Clarent Sword | Fae
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #2: Hunting Ground
Arthur Madden Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Hunting Ground

  • recognized Arthur as rightful king148
  • used to bestow authority; such as kingship or rank

Crossed Bones

Crossed Bones | Vampires & Sheep: Vampire
Mercy Thompson

IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Bone Crossed

  • mark of a traitor172
  • means that one of their own has betrayed them, and she and all that belong to her are fair marks
  • a declaration of war
  • it keeps you from painting over it for long
  • if it stays in place for long it'll start attracting nasties who have no affiliation to the vampire



Drachen | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Andre Deceased
Mercy Thompson
Uncle Mike
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Blood Bound

  • AKA Dragon Medallion
  • flat disk of gold, on the front was a lizard, and on the back were marks of some sort that might have been letters; both the lizard and the lettering were battered184
  • rest the medallion on something and say the medallion's name and it burns whatever it's touching to ashes184
  • it can only be invoked when it has been given the name of a user, no one else may invoke it, and even then it takes both word and desire; so you have to say it and mean it185

Druid's Hide

Druid's Hide | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Tim Milanovich Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • bulky fur cloak that looked almost like yak hide; except it was gray246
  • strange-looking and smelled of horse, not yak247
  • druid cursed to wear the form of a horse, when he was skinned, he regained his human form; but the horse's skin247
  • Keeps your enemy from finding or harming you247


Earthenware Bowl

Earthenware Bowl | Wild Magic
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Wild Sign

  • earthenware bowl; putty colored on the outside and reddish brown on the inside69
  • the shape a little irregular; shiny in some places and matte in others; as if the potter had made a mistake with the finish—or as if it were so old the finish had worn off in spots69
  • if taken under false circumstances you won't hold onto it long73
  • something powerful that belongs to the Sasquatch76
  • Bran Cornick had it for over one hundred years and fought with Buffalo Singer over returning it76

Elf Salve

Elf Salve | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Steve Singh (Dr.)

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • when Mercy broke Underhill glamour her eyes and ears where checked to see if she wore elf-salve

Fair Game

  • herbal salve you could rub on your eyes to see the fairies65


Excalibur | Fae
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #2: Hunting Ground
Dana Shea Deceased
Lugh the Longarm Deceased
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Hunting Ground

  • Caladbog, Caledfwych, Excalibur; Shea delivered it to the hands of great men, fighters, heroes all271
  • the result of a bargain with the fae who were not any happier with the Anglo-Saxons than the native humans were254
  • entrusted to Shea; she was the reason for her existence; it meant more to her than her word274

Night Broken

  • the blade you know as Excalibur was born when her blade was drowned in the death of Lugh
  • Zee forged the sword




Gauntlets | Vampires & Sheep: Vampire
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Bone Crossed
William Frost Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Bone Crossed

  • dark metal gauntlets; hinged metal on the top and chain link below224
  • causes injury and blood dripped from the gloves224
  • connected to the Questioning Chair truths; able to feel the veracity of the truths through the connection of the gauntlets226

Gris-Gris Bag

Gris-Gris Bag | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Elizaveta Arkadyevna Deceased
Guccio de Medici Deceased
Mary Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silence Fallen

  • a hand-stitched cloth bag; smelling of a number of herbs, but the main scent was something organic decaying260
  • voodoo or hoodoo; perhaps African where the practice of making gris-gris originated260
  • allowed the vampire to stay awake during the day, but it wouldn't protect him from the sun267
  • whatever was rotting in the bag smelled vaguely rodent-like; but dead and covered in herbs too long; just smelled rotten267
  • such things are limited; a certain amount of time per day—and only for so many days276
  • a nonrenewable consumable and valuable magic item; expensive; would take time and power to make268
  • can affect people adversely; true of black magic, and it tends to stain the user as well as the one who casts it269

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Storm Cursed

  • Elizaveta shows Adam and Mercy one of her Gris-Gris bags/Amulet186


Hunger Sword 1|5

See: Zee's Dagger | Fae

Hunger Sword 2|5

Hunger | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned
Mercy Thompson
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Frost Burned

  • one of five similar blades made by Zee180
  • made from something that isn't iron or steel so that the fae could use it180
  • too dangerous for mundane humans and too dangerous to be put in the hands of the Gray Lords180
  • blade created by Zee; when he was angry at the world270
  • it needs to taste your blood: then it will serve you; until it taste's another's blood it likes better271
  • the user will never know when it might prefer someone else271
  • less inclined to stay with someone not fae271
  • it will kill vampires in a way a normal sword cannot
  • it will eat magic- items or spells; slowly271
  • you cut yourself to bind it to you; forearm or calf; very sharp271
  • when bound; should be able to sheathe the blade just by thinking about it271
  • major artifact272
  • changes shape with new user322
  • reputation for deserting its wielder327
  • pommel and blade get hot with use328

Hunger Sword 3|5

Jonesy Sword | Fae
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #5: Burn Bright
Jonsey Deceased
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Burn Bright

  • made for killing things78
  • the blade, short, broad, and leaf-shaped, was nearly black; so was the cross guard, maybe from age—or maybe it had been charred in a very hot hire79
  • the grip looked like leather, old and cracking, like some long-abandoned relic79
  • very end of the pommel, a rough gemstone the size of a walnut gleamed, a thing of beauty; could have been sapphire, blue topaz or some other deep-blue stone79
  • old and well used; of fae making101
  • the blade something other than steel101
  • doesn't feel magical but it is101
  • blade isn't silver or an alloy with silver102
  • three runes set into the blade, all three of them no larger than a thumbprint; the mark of the Dark Smith of Drontheim102

Hunger Sword 4|5

Hunger Swords

Hunger Swords 1-5 | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Frost Burned

  • made from something that isn't iron or steel so that the fae could use it180
  • Zee made five of these swords, each a little bit different from the other
  • Hunger is one
  • Zee has one; see Zee's Dagger
  • all of them are bad news180
  • if someone's not using them to slaughter a crowd of people, then some Gray Lord is blathering about how such a fae treasure needs to be protected180

Burn Bright

  • magical swords tended to have histories and be identifiable to someone with enough motivation104


Iron Chains

Iron Chains | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Silver Borne
Daphne Rondo Deceased
Forest Lord Trapped
Witch Cat Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silver Borne

  • iron chains that glittered with magic301
  • Fairy Queen needed something stronger to ensure they were controlled301
  • created by the Witch Cat302
  • the witch was enthralled and the Fairy Queen used her to grab the Forest Lord—because she didn't have enough power to enthrall him332


Jade Pendant

Jade Pendant | Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Hollow
Gina Stephanie Albright Deceased
Nicole Albright Deceased
Mercy Thompson
Rick Albright

Artifact Description & Usage Details:

  • a thick silver chain with a blocky, carved-jade pendant that looked both arty and masculine398
  • might have been an expensive piece; a deft hand created the angles and the deliberately primitive lines of the pendant399
  • toward the center there was a change in color from clear, translucent green to frost; the carving dipped just there, as if someone had started to carve out the cloudy bit but had reconsidered399
  • no maker's mark399
  • cold chain, warm pendant; felt like family399
  • used as a power source to fuel a spell; Gina quenched the object in her death; it took on the personality traits when she died425
  • used fae magic to tie her essence to the object; essence or spirit was different from a soul426
  • the personality fades from such objects; unless feeding on emotions; keeping her personality intact indefinitely426
  • a ritual was done that put the essence of a person in an object; the pendant; from that object the person is influencing a ghost to haunt Rick427
  • foul magic428
  • breaking the pendant would stop the problem but there could be backlash when the item broke428
  • destroyed by Mercy with an iron pry bar; turned it into jade shards431
  • the pendant was a focus433

Jonesy's Hoard

Jonesy's Hoard | Fae
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #5: Burn Bright

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Burn Bright

  • most of the items held fae magic, or fae-like magic103
  • amulets, cups, gems, knives,and a spear
  • four arrows from three different regions
  • three rugs; two simple rag rugs and a small Persian rug
  • a bone bowl; was witchcrafted and stank of blood magic
  • a handful of coin-like items
  • neolithic arrowhead; something slept within it and smelled bad
  • a bronze knife; burned clear and bright with magic, like an artesian well
  • a blue-and-purple pottery jar that felt dirty
  • powerful items; but most was just junk that happened to contain a spark of something103
  • a lot of the magical charged things were broken pieces of larger items103
  • a bowl of a clay pipe; the tongue of a buckle
  • Jonesy not very picky about what he collected103



Key | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Aiden Hauptman

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Fire Touched

  • crude bronze key319
  • pressed against a door, it makes any door a gateway to Underhill319
  • if you keep in mind where in Underhill you want to appear, that doorway will take you there319
  • not a weapon but a valuable artifact319
  • looked like nothing so much as a nail that someone had gotten creative with; unprepossessing sight337


Lock of Hair

Lock of Hair | Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Silver
Ariana Cornick
Samuel Cornick

Artifact Description & Usage Details:

  • with Haida's aid, Ariana could use a lock of Samuel's hair to come to him56
  • kept in a small pouch; Ariana burned it when they parted ways69


Mac Owen Ring

Mac Owen Ring | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Tim Milanovich Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • a silver ring243
  • it makes the tongue of the wearer sweeter than honey243
  • it's a politician's ring243

Magic Made

Magic Made | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Ariana Cornick
Phineas Brewster
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • on sale at the Uptown Mall bookseller for fourteen hundred dollars165
  • been on stock at the bookstore for five or six years
  • bound in pale leather and embossed in gold
  • the title is embossed on the front and spine

Silver Borne

  • handwritten and tough to decipher; a book written by the fae about the fae05
  • organized in regard to the variety of fae and the fae artifacts135

Magic Shortsword

Magic Shortword | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Gold Guard Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Fire Touched

  • Magic Shortsword wielded by the Widow Queen's guard - Fae in Gold - it had some hunger in it327

Mariposa Amulet

Mariposa Amulet | Witch
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Asil and the Not-Date
Mariposa Deceased
Tami Reed Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Asil and the Not-Date

  • appears as a pendant necklace208
  • hides things in plain sight, making one thing seem like another229
  • a complex magical items appeared to be a piece of costume jewelry, or black magic felt like white229
  • recognition of what the amulet did robbed its spell of the rest of its power229

Mercy's Lamb

Mercy's Lamb | Mercy Thompson
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Moon Called

  • Silver stylized lamb necklace infused with faith
  • used to repel Marsilia when she attacked Samuel

Moonstone Necklace

Moonstone Necklace | Witch
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Carrie Green Deceased
Carrie Green (Great-Grandmother) Deceased
Sissy Connors (Dr.)

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Wild Sign

  • Protection from Evil
  • artifact tuned to the witch who wore one, that could prevent power grabs by other witches220
  • attained mythical status among most white witches220
  • a silver necklace with a moonstone flanked by diamonds220
  • silver necklace with a single moonstone in a very plain setting350
  • is protection from black witches who want to steal your magic; that's all351



Obsidian Knives

Obsidian Knives| Archetype
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
River Marked

  • Twelve Obsidian Blades and sheath made by Coyote's Sisters.279

Orfino's Bane

Orfino's Bane| Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Mercy Thompson
Tim Milanovich Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • AKA Huon's Cup; Manannan's Gift
  • a handmade pottery goblet; brown and aged-looking224
  • the goblet that the fairy had used to rob Roland's knights of their ability to resist her will; rustic goblet242
  • the goblet in the hands of a human thief, will allow him to enslave another
  • given as a gift it will heal as well
  • in the hands of the fae it will testify to truth244
  • the goblet that the fairy used to rob Roland's knights of their ability to resist her willIK-226

Frost Burned

  • very powerful artifact; act of drinking out of it implies consent220

Night Broken

  • liquid is fae-magic concoction that prevents you from disobeying orders158


Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Frost Burned

  • AKA Fairy Queen's Gift
  • was made as a gift for a fairy queen who collected the wrong fae's son into her court215
  • cuffs only work for a short period of time on the fae, though it can be more permanent on humans215
  • the woman who gave the fairy queen the gift wanted her son back; once the queen died all the humans and fae went back to their lives215
  • break the spell; true love's kiss
  • two part spell; first is spelled to make the wearer happy and relaxed; vulnerable so that the second one can work to make the person wearing it compliant220
  • magic continues to work after the cuffs have been removed; so they can be used to subdue more than one prisoner220


Questioning Seat

Questioning Seat | Vampire
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Daniel Deceased
Mercy Thompson
Stefan Uccello

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Blood Bound

  • AKA The Chair
  • a large wooden chair; dark wood with a grain like oak
  • covered in carvings, from the lion-paw legs to the gargoyle crouched on the top of the tall back
  • each of the legs had a ring of brass about a third of the way up
  • the arms were made entirely of brass wrought with delicate-appearing vines and small flowers and thorns
  • on the end of each arm, one of the thorns stuck up in a sharp point
  • its magic felt like a dull bass thrum as if someone was beating a very large drum and you were listening to it with your ears covered; you feel it more than hear it
  • old blood on the chair
  • the chair is not vampiric magic, not entirelyBB-155
  • used to determine the truth of whatever poor being had the brass thorns stuck in its hands
  • with the statement “You choose to offer Truth willingly” the chair reacts; appropriate that the vampire's truth spells would demand blood
  • the seat isn't dependant on vampire power; it functions by blood, but it was a witch who worked the magic
  • the chair is a very old thing

Bone Crossed

  • * one of the treasures of the seethe, vampire magic and old magic combinedBC-209


Rowan Stake

Rowan Stake | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Andre Deceased
Mercy Thompson
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Blood Bound

  • a sharpened stake as long as Mercy's forearm
  • from a fae with an affinity for trees and growing things
  • made from the wood of a rowan tree, a wood of light
  • the fae said that this would find its way to the heart of a vampire


Sage's Necklace

Sage's Necklace | Witch
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #5: Burn Bright
Grandma Daisy Hardesty Deceased
Sage Carhardt Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Burn Bright

  • a token that hangs from a leather thong285
  • biting the token activates the magic285
  • allow a werewolf to shift to their wolf as quickly as Charles Cornick257
  • magic trapped in an object258


Spellcatcher | Vampires & Sheep: Vampire
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #2: Hunting Ground

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Hunting Ground

  • a stick that only a couple of vampires can make; they charge a lot for themHG-253
  • it can absorb up to four spells, and the person it's tuned to can use it to cast them, even if that person wouldn't normally be able to do magicHG-253
  • it was the size of a cane or a fighting stickHG-242
  • can only absorb spells given to it voluntarily by the spell caster; Means a wolf gave them the shadows spell and the Look-Not-At-Me

Silver Borne

Silver Borne | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Silver Borne
Ariana Cornick
Mercy Thompson
Phineas Brewster

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silver Borne

  • built by Ariane Brewster for her father278
  • it was her magic it was born in, it finds its way back to her eventually280
  • it consumes fae magic – but mostly just the magic of the person who currently possesses it279
  • eats fae magic; would be easy to change a formidable opponent to someone more vulnerable than a human
  • take power from one fae and give it to another

Fire Touched

  • it can siphon magic away143

Silver Bracelets

Silver Bracelets | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Margaret Flanagan

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Fire Touched

  • a fine silver bar bracelet with a red cabochon stone194
  • victim wears one; controller wears the other
  • can hold a fae against their will195

Silver Chain

Silver Chain | Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Silver
Ariana Cornick
Samuel Cornick

Artifact Description & Usage Details:

  • silver chain, long enough to wrap twice around the neck
  • Ariana's home was difficult to find; wear the chain the the Forest Lord (1) Brewster forest say her name three times, the wearer will find themselves on her doorstep without delay56
  • Ariana used her magic; silver loves her; to protect Samuel from the silver while wearing it56
  • the mundane world does not easily hold the things best left in Underhill; Samuel left the silver chain behind when he left68
  • silver chain unmade itself and fell to the ground, a small pile of pebbles69


Spellcatcher | Vampire
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #2: Hunting Ground
Ivan Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Hunting Ground

  • stick the size of a can or fighting stick
  • vampire hocus pocus; very secret
  • only a couple of vampires can make them; they charge a lot for them
  • the stick can absorb up to four spells259
  • the person it's tuned to can use it to cast them; even if they wouldn't be able to do magic
  • it can only absorb spells given to it voluntarily by the spell caster

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Fire Touched

  • herb could be used to protect yourself and your home against some kinds of fae15
  • place it around windows, doors, and chimneys15

Stink Bomb

Stink Bomb | Witch
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #5: Burn Bright
Grandma Daisy Hardesty Deceased
Sage Carhardt Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Burn Bright

  • a means of escape; puff of smoke; acrid, greasy cloud257
  • smelled stale; magic trapped in an object258

Supernatural Stun Gun

Supernatural Stun Gun | Vampire
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
James Blackwood Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Bone Crossed

  • no normal Taser252
  • one of Blackwood's developments287
  • it's a lot hotter than anything Taser makes287
  • he sells it to certain government agencies who want to question prisoners without showing harm; not legal for the civilian market287


Tad's Magic Tunic

Tad's Magic Tunic | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #11: Storm Cursed
Tad Adelbertsmiter
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Storm Cursed

  • Glows in the dark.283
  • The tunic will redirect witchcrafting aimed at him. Some of the time.284
  • Hasn’t been out in a good long time - It’s a little giddy.284

Thrall Necklace

Thrall Necklace | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Silver Borne
Daphne Rondo Deceased
Witch Cat Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silver Borne

  • thin silver collar292
  • silver circlets293
  • once she has them in thrall, only she can release them316
  • kept her minions in thrall to the Fairy Queen328


Uncle Mike's Pocketknife

Uncle Mike's Pocket Knife: Hunger Sword 4|5 | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #11: Storm Cursed
Sherwood Post
Uncle Mike
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Storm Cursed

  • a worn pocketknife262
  • kept in a pouch on his belt262
  • can change; is sharp262
  • Sherwood's wolf is wary of it; it's just a knife today and it will do as you wish265


Vampire Dagger

Vampire Dagger | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Guccio de Medici Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silence Fallen

  • old and well made307
  • blade bore designs in bright silver; real silver307
  • magic is old and corrupted308
  • only caused the wound to be slow to heal; no corruption in it323
  • more deadly to vampires than it was to werewolves324


Walking Stick|A

Walking Stick (A) | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • Would lead you home no matter where you roamed213

Walking Stick|B

Walking Stick (B) | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • Allowed you to see people for what they were213

Walking Stick

Walking Stick | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Donnell Greenleaf
Lugh the Longarm
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Iron Kissed

  • came from Hendrick's house212
  • The Stick that multiplied the farmer's sheep213

Bone Crossed

  • Has taken to sleeping with Mercy every night and moves about on it's own.96
  • Lugh build it - it also had the capability to become a spear.279

Silver Borne

  • Old magic has grown and developed in strange ways - follows Mercy around.35
  • Blocked someone trying to influence Mercy over the pack bonds.37
  • Helped Bran find Mercy when she was held by the fairy queen.336

River Marked

  • Mercy muses that the Walking Stick maybe older than Christ.175
  • Mercy called the Walking Stick while killing the River Devil - it turned her heart to white ice.296
  • After killing the River Devil, it took the initiative to kill an otterkin who was attacking Mercy.301
  • Mercy offered the Walking Stick to Coyote at the end of the book and he accepted.323

Night Broken

  • Coyote give the Walking Stick back to Mercy.250
  • Coyote believes that the source of the magic of the three walking sticks was unreliable:
    • one makes sheep have twins
    • one helps you find your way home
    • one allows you to see people as they really are
  • maybe there were three staves that did the same thing or maybe there was only ever one walking stick; or maybe he was able to teach it to ape its brethren251
  • Mercy gave the Walking Stick to Beauclaire.288
  • The Walking Stick came back to Mercy.340

Fire Touched

  • Mercy uses the Walking Stick to claim the tri-cities territory.76
  • At the end of the story, the Walking Stick ate the Widow Queen's death spell to protect Mercy and died.328

Smoke Bitten

  • Something else stirred, too, but it wasn’t unfriendly so I let that be for now. I had other things to worry about.303
  • And that was when that niggling presence I’d felt—that presence that was not pack, not Stefan, but bound to me anyway, by thin spidersilk that smelled of fae magic—that presence whispered in my ear.306
  • Find your way home, the walking stick told Underhill as lightning arced into the center of her chest.306
  • Elizaveta bent to whisper in his ear again, but I took the walking stick in my hand. I noticed that it had made itself into a spear, as it sometimes did when I needed a sharp weapon.338
  • On the top of my chest of drawers, just as though it had always been there, the walking stick lay in its usual place.342

Walter's Knife

Walter's Knife | Werewolf
IA: Alpha Omega Series #10: Cry Wolf
Walter Rice Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Cry wolf

  • covered with magic charms etched into the blade, strange symbols that had long ago turned black instead of the bright silver they’d been3

Werewolf Cage|Crate

Werewolf Cage|Crate | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Elizaveta Arkadyevna Deceased
Mary Deceased
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silence Fallen

  • made from welded metal mesh that was probably steel underneath its coat of silver and was riddled with magic215
  • it had held werewolves—five or six different scents and some too faded to access215
  • bars of steel and silver and magic219
  • has kept werewolves captive for months at a time; none being able to escape from it unless they were let go219
  • opened by Elizaveta258
  • cage is designed to subdue werewolves355

Widow Queen's Magic Armor

Widow Queen's Magic Armor | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Neuth Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Fire Touched

  • Magic Armor worn by the Widow Queen - turned aside the spear form of the Walking Stick.328

Witch Bracelet

Witch Bracelet | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Jacob Bonarata
Mary Deceased
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silence Fallen

  • plain gold cuff10
  • able to block pack ties11
  • blood magic; pokes tiny holes into the wrist of the wearing to fuel the spell54
  • block a werewolf mating bond; child's play to some witches108

Witch Cage

Witch Cage | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Mary Deceased
Mercy Thompson

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silence Fallen

Witch Collar

Witch Collar | Witch
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Irish Witch Deceased
Jacob Bonarata
Lenka Deceased
Mary Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Silence Fallen

  • silver looking collar27
  • forced obedience281
  • collar almost out of power; witch no longer working for Bonarata298
  • white gold maybe272
  • it keeps her under control, but it is a simple thing; if powerful276
  • it makes certain that she follows the orders she is given276

Burn Bright

  • collar forced the person wearing one to obedience; had to torture a lot of people to death for the power to create one223
  • takes power to control the collars; no more than six of them at a time or they become less effective223
  • the power in them had to be renewed twice a year223
  • witch tried to find a way to make the collars more permanent, to make them power themselves223
  • no free will, no thoughts that were not put in your heads by the witch and her leman225
  • Bonarata's collar was specific to werewolves; old and failed; no witch to replace it225
  • Wellesley destroyed the collars; he knows the secret to making them230
  • the manner and matter of the collar's making must lie with the dead230

Witch Gun

Witch Gun | Witch
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #4: Burn Bright
Charles Cornick
Grandma Daisy Hardesty Deceased
Werewolf (C) Mercenary Deceased

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Burn Bright

  • looked like a cross between a gun and a Taser59
  • it wasn't a gun that shot bullets; looked like a beefed-up Taser; no sort of cartridge or projectile60
  • uses blood magic; trigger cuts user to fire the magic61
  • gun doesn't feel magical61
  • witchcraft of a kind that Charles has never seen before61
  • witch blood is necessary to fire the weapon144
  • Wellesley burned the gun which was connected to the skinwalker and in doing so destroyed both288




Zee's Dagger

Zee's Dagger: Hunger Sword 1|5 | Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Mercy Thompson
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Artifact Description & Usage Details:
Moon Called

  • Zee carries it for personal protection
  • Dark-bladed and as long as Mercy's arm
  • comes with a leather belt and sheath; belt ties to adjust fit for dagger; wrapped the leather belt around my hips a few times. There was a handmade buckle without a pin on one end, and I wove the other end of the belt through and tied it off.
  • old blade
  • power washed through the van, not like the power the Alphas could call, nor did it feel like the magic Elizaveta Arkadyevna used. It was akin somehow to the fae power of glamour and tasted like metal and blood in my mouth.
  • Zee calls the blade “daughter” and it likes the taste of blood
  • not a great help against vampires
  • Each time the knife heated up, it did so more quickly and took longer to cool off.

Blood Bound

  • Zee gave Mercy his dagger to behead vampires after staking them with the Rowan Stake.206

Iron Kissed

  • AKA Zee's Sword; Zee's Knife
  • Once swung would cut through whatever was in its path – including the person who was using it95
  • it hungers and it feeds best on things less helpless

Fire Touched

  • blade that cuts through anything and takes any shape it desires291
articles_of_magic.1641398812.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/05 08:06 by linda