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−Table of Contents
Mercyverse Businesses
This is a quick list of the all identified businesses in the Mercyverse. Major businesses have links that will lead to individual pages with expanded details
How to Read the Format:
Name: Alphabetical
IA: Initial Appearance or Mention (Book or Short Fiction) - Link will lead to series or short fiction summaries and snapshot.
Employer - Link will lead to individual character pages with expanded details.
Employees - Link will lead to individual character pages with expanded details.
Business Description
- Broken Down by Series/Short Fiction with page notation
Major Mercyverse Businesses
Mercy Thompson Series
Hauptman Security
Hauptman Security
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: ,Washington & Los Alamos, New Mexico
Employer: Adam Hauptman
Jim Gutstein
Joel Arocha | Fill-in Security Jobs
Hauptman Security (2+) Brooks Team
Hauptman Security (2+) Corolla
Hauptman Security Lawyer
Hauptman Security Marine
Hauptman Security (2+) Office
Kelly | Fill-in Security Jobs
Luke | Fill-in Security Jobs
Paul | Fill-in Security Jobs
Business Description
Moon Called
- keeping the humans ignorant of the magic that lives among them is a specialized and lucrative business
- Adam developed a network of contacts after working for the government for forty-odd years49
- has a lawyer on the payroll49
- until recently dealt primarily with government contractors; since the Reveal and Adam out as a werewolf to the general public, the business started to boom on other fronts04
- actively looking for someone who could do most of the travelling but so far hadn't found the right person04
- the firm had two or three charter companies that they used114
- has two bases of operation that mostly did hush-hush government contracts07
Mercy's Garage
Mercy's Garage
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Kennewick, Washington
Employer: Mercy Thompson
Alan MacKenzie Frazier Deceased
Gabriel Sandoval
Sylvia Sandoval
Tad Adelbertsmiter
Zee Adelbertsmiter
Business Description:
- a one-woman garage; Volkswagen mechanic; anything German-made
Mercy's Side Hustle
Mercy's Side Hustle
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Kennewick, Washington
Employer: Mercy Thompson
Business Description:
Alpha & Omega Series
Aspen Creek, Inc
Aspen Creek, Inc |
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: N/A, Colorado
Employer: Bran Cornick
Charles Cornick
Leah Cornick
Business Description
Moon Called
- Alphas meet twice a year at the Colorado headquarters
- sometimes with their second and third
- owns a few hotels in a few cities55
- has a charitable arm161
- had condos all over the place; Boston being one71
- made travel more discreet71
Minor Mercyverse Businesses
Accountant|Columbia Basin Pack
Accountant Columbia Basin Pack
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Location: Kennewick, Washington
Employer: Adam Hauptman
Lucia Arocha
Business Description
Fire Touched
- Lucia took over the accounting for the pack from Adam's business's accountant06
- discuss pack budget and make plans for the next six months06
- pack has money for investments06
- Lucia not quite comfortable enough with werewolves to argue with them06
Accountant|Mid-Columbia Seethe
Accountant Mid-Columbia Seethe
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Location: Washington
Employer: Marsilia
Business Description
Blood Bound
Angel Hills Assisted Living
Angel Hills Assisted Living
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Location: Yreka, California
Employer: Cathy Hardesty (Mother) & Cathy Hardesty
Angel Hills Receptionist
Mary Frank
Sheldon Underwood (Dr.)
Business Description
Wild Sign
- doesn't have a website or much information on the Internet190
- hill country; four miles since seeing the last house
- topped a rise and abruptly in the tamed greenness of a well-tended landscape; two rows of trees lined a white vinyl fence line on either side of the suddenly paved road190
- the road curved gently up to an opening in the high stone wall that surrounded the facility190
- an elegant, if large, brass sign on the metal gates190
- prosaic parking lot laid out before a large, graceful building that looked very much like a high-end private hospital or school; a very tall stone wall spread out from either side of the building and swept behind it, encasing something very securely190
- an extra bump on the bottom side of the post that arched over to hold the light—camera192
- most of the windows were the kind with a metal mesh embedded in the glass192
- the isolation of the place made it feel more like a prison than a place of healing; that and the surveillance equipment and escape-proof windows193
- the glass-and-bronze entry would have done credit to a high-end hotel; imposing reception desk193
- a too-shiny-floored hall full of oversized solid-looking doors, most of which had dead bolts that locked patients inside194
- gardens were lower than the building; five or six acres, completely enclosed by a ten-foot wall; hedges and the natural rise and fall of the land had been utilized to create small pockets of privacy195
- in the center of the garden was a good-sized water feature with a waterfall on one end and a natural-looking on the other end195
- the aura of the garden was very soothing; perhaps too soothing195
- around the hedges an own steep flagstone steps196
- a seating area overlooked the pond side of the water feature; stone benches edged the concrete platform; a scattering of low fountains burbled around the edge of the pond197
- witch prison203
- torturing the old and infirm for magical power206
- second-floor offices215
Arms Dealer
Arms Dealer
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Location: Spokane, Washington
Employer: James Blackwood
Corban Wharton
Business Description
Bone Crossed
- deals with specialty ammunition; most of it top secret government stuff268
- very successful with a variety of ammunition designed for killing werewolves268
- a silver version of the old Black Talon; silver is a lousy metal for bullets; it doesn't expand well; instead of mushrooming, this one opens up like a flower268
- Gerry Wallace designed tranquilizer darts268
Aspen Creek Craft Store
Aspen Creek Craft Store
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Aspen Creek, Montana
Employer: Mundane (2) Craft Store
Business Description
Dead Heat
- little craft store125
- one of the people who kept the store gives weekly quilting lessons to Anna125
Aspen Creek Gas Station/Post Office
Aspen Creek Gas Station/Post Office
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Aspen Creek, Montana
Employer: Werewolf Store Werewolf Store (Wife)
Aspen Creek Young Man
Night Shift (2+) Kids
Business Description
Moon Called
- sells breakfast burritos; hot if not tasty
- sells candy
- sells mediocre sandwiches
Aspen Creek Medical Clinic
Aspen Creek Medical Clinic
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Aspen Creek, Montana
Samuel Cornick
Aspen Creek (3) Doctors
Business Description
Moon Called
- has a clinic91
- where Charles took Mac's body
- Samuel was working at a clinic in rotation with three other doctors
Aspen Creek Motel
Aspen Creek Motel
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Aspen Creek, Montana
Employer:Carl Stoval&Lisa Stoval Owner|Operator
Mercy Thompson | Previous
Business Description
Moon Called
The old motel was built the way the motor hotels had been in the middle of the last century–a long, narrow, and no-frills building designed so guests could park their vehicles in front of their rooms.MC-79 had been run-down 1950's tacky; updated now to a rustic charm room #18 is on the side away from the road and as far away from #1 as it getsMC-83 except for number one, there are only three different locks for all the roomsMC-83 number one was the Marrok's safe room, specially designed to contain uncooperative werewolvesMC-72 has a reinforced metal doorMC-73 has a dead bolt operated by key from both sides; windows are barred; the vents sealedMC-75 number one served as a prison and hospital on occasion: sometimes bothMC-75 a bed and a nightstand permanently fixed against the wallMC-73
Aspen Creek Veterinarian Clinic
Aspen Creek Veterinarian Clinic
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Aspen Creek, Montana
Employer: Carter Wallace Deceased
Business Description
Moon Called
- didn't usually treat werewolves; dogs, cats, and livestock enough to keep him busy
Bonarata, Inc
Bonarata Corporations
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Location: Milan, Italy
Employer: Jacob Bonarata
Business Description
Silence Fallen
- has spider silk throughout the world
- owns corporations based in New York, Texas, Buenos Aires and Hong Kong
Brooks, Gordon, and Howe, Attorneys at Law
Brooks, Gordon, and Howe, Attorneys at Law
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Kennewick, Washington
Employer: Kyle Brooks Howard Gordon Howe
Warren Smith
Business Description
In Red, with Pearls
- offices on the third floor333
- Kyle's office was down the hall and in the back321
- a big conference room at the other end of the offices321
- reception area333
- Kyle's office window overlooks the traffic below333
- works with two other lawyers and has an efficient staff56
- has a luxurious office suite on Clearwater Avenue58
Bubba's Basement Barbeque
Bubba's Basement Barbeque
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #2: Hunting Ground
Location: Seattle, Washington
[Bubba's Waitress]]
Bubba's Cook
Business Description
Hunting Ground
- it's famous for its endless, endlessly good ribs64
- its reputation was good enough that it had spread all the way to the packs in Europe64
- a level street paralleling the Sound; a red neon sign proclaiming Bubba's Basement the best barbecue in Seattle64
- an arrow that pointed down a wide set of steps to the basement of something that might have been some kind of bank or office building—it had that neutral upscale look64
- double-door entrance; heady combination of beef, barbecue sauce, and coffee65
- the restaurant was dimly lit; to the left, around a wall of shrubbery, through a swinging door, and into a room set apart from the rest of the place65
- a discreet sign above the door noted that the room could be reserved for large groups for a smaller fee and could hold up to sixty people65
- someone had made a hasty effort to clear a space for fighting because a couple of tables were lying on their sides against a wall, and chairs had been tossed wherever they landed65
- a battered piano on a small stage in the corner of the main dining room71
- the piano was an ancient upright; someone had painted it black but the pain had faded to a dull gray, scuffed on the corners and sprinkled with initials carved into it; most of the edges of the ivory keys were broken, and the highest E key popped up on eighth of an inch higher than the rest71
- the house special was limitless ribs at a per-person charge74
Charter Air Company|Aspen Creek
Charter Air Company|Aspen Creek
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #1: Cry Wolf
Location: Aspen Creek, Montana
Employer: Aspen Creek, Inc
Business Description
Cry Wolf
- Bran and Charles can both pilot
- little, six-passenger, twin-engine Lear;
- itty-bitty landing strip
- hangar big enough to hold two planes the same size
- other than the hangar, airstrip, there was virtually no sign of civilization; there was the smell of woodsmoke so it couldn't be as isolated as it looked
Charter Air Company|Goblin
Charter Air Company|Goblin
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Location: N/A, Northern California
Employer: Austin Harris: Owner|Operator
Matt Smith
Five employees128
Business Description
Silence Fallen
- a small firm
- has five people who can fly from the US to Europe; four of them are humans; one werewolf128
Christiansen Merc Group
Christiansen Merc Group
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Employer: David Christiansen
Connor Christiansen
John-Julian Christiansen
Business Description
Moon Called
- David started his own troop after being recruited by a military buddy for his mercenary troop; tired of taking orders
- decided to quit fighting other people's wars when his grandsons resigned their commissions and joined
- specialize in extracting kidnapped victims: businessmen, Red Cross, missionaries; get them out of the hands of terrorists
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Hollow
Location: Washingon
Employer: Bill
Business Description
- a friend of Adam Hauptman399
Deer Lodge Hotel
Deer Lodge Hotel
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #5: Burn Bright
Location: Deer Lodge, Montana
Employer: N/A
Business Description
Burn Bright
- not happy taking cash301
- water was hot and the sheets were clean302
- Sage Carhardt was a guest301
Dog Breeder
Dog Breeder
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Aspen Creek, Montana
Employer: George Brown
three or four people
Business Description
Moon Called
- breeds and crossbreeds; Irish Wolfhounds and English Mastiffs
- breeding very large dogs to explain away odd tracks and sightings
- won several national titles with his Mastiffs
- breeds all sorts of big dogs; mastiffs were mostly big sweeties96
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Kennewick, Washington
Employer: Sensei Johanson
Business Description
Moon Called
- just over the railroad track from Mercy's Garage09
- in full summer the dojo smelled from a block away56
- has an anteroom where the men usually change after class; has a bathroom for the women to change57
- just a short hike across cheatgrass and down the railroad from the garage57
The Fairy Mound
The Fairy Mound
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Walla Walla, Washington
Business Description
Moon Called
- bar where tourists go to see the fae150
- the Walla Walla Fae Reservation is about forty miles outside the city149
Happy Camp Mini Storage
Happy Camp Mini Storage
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Location:Happy Camp, California
Business Description
Wild Sign
Hickman Construction
Hickman Construction
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Blood Bound
Location:N/A, Washington
Employer: Boss Hickman
Mundane (2) Hickman Construction
Business Description
Blood Bound
High-Tech Company
High-Tech Company
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #2: Hunting Ground
Location:Seattle, Washington
Employer: Angus Hopper
High-Tech Company (2+) Staff
Business Description
Hunting Ground
- they put together programs to keep other companies running23
- the company owns an apartment23
- facilities used by the wolf conference23
- lucrative24
- has an elegant auditorium with oak accents, trimmed in fabrics of various brownish gray hues, understated and expensive; designed for sound87
- a place where Angus Hopper hunted CEOs of large companies and captured them with images of the power his technology could give them87
Horse Breeders|Koch
Horse Breeders Koch
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #4: Dead Heat
Location:Phoenix, Arizona
Employer: Koch Family
Walter Koch
Business Description
Dead Heat
Horse Breeders|Sani
Horse Breeders Sani
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #4: Dead Heat
Location:Phoenix, Arizona
Employer: Hosteen Sani
Kage Sani
Business Description
Dead Heat
- do the whole thing: breed, train, show103
- lots of people on the payroll, but they're diversified103
- Hosteen thinks too much specialization is bad for business103
- Hosteen would always run the business; never grow old103
- train our horses but they train other people's horses as well103
Horse Ranch
Horse Ranch
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Hollow
Location:N/A, Montana
Employer: N/A
Gary Laughingdog
Business Description
- raise quarter horses, a few Appaloosas, and cattle409
- horse training409
- driven by the market; not a lot of profit in breeding horses anymore, and the ranch has no choice but to listen to market forces if they want to survive409
Insurance Company
Insurance Company
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Location: N/A, Washington
Sensei Johanson
Business Description
Bone Crossed
Intrasity Living
Intrasity Living
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Location: Kennewick, Washington
Employer: Tracy LaBelle
Izzy's Mom
Business Description
Fire Touched
- MLM: multilevel marketing company09
- sells vitamins, makeup and essential oils
- vitamins are certified by two independent laboratories as toxin-and allergen-free09
- has a product to cover up scars10
- “natural” and “herbal” products 10
- essential oil samples; stored in a teal box about the size of a loaf of bread with metallic embossed lettering “Instrasity” and “Living Essentials” that chased each other around the box in lovely calligraphic script11
- most of the essential oils are just one—lavender, jasmine, lemon, orange
- orange oil; smelled really good and supposed to promote calmness; works in cookies and brownies17
- combination oils are more useful; blends are carefully measures for the best effect13
- “Gaia's Blessing”: peppermint oil with lavender, rosemary and eucalyptus, all natural oils blended together12
- “Healing Touch”: Vitamin E with tea tree oil and lavender; works for jock itch, ringworm, psoriasis and acne12
- “Good Vibrations”: rose oil with lavender, lemon and mint: elevates mood and makes your life go a little smoother14
- Unnamed ;guaranteed to improve your love life or your money back14
- “Rest Well”: St. John's wort with lavender and orange; anti-nudge, not quite chemical castration but it will bring your life back into balance15
- offered 10 percent discount for names and numbers of friends16
Irish Pub
Irish Pub
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Gray
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Irish Pub Bartender
Business Description
- Elyna O'Malley Gray hunted there until the bartender started recognizing her and gave her her regular drink without asking118
Irish Wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhound
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #3: Fair Game
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Employer: Olde Towne Pack
Wolfhound Manager
Wolfhound Hostess
Wolfhound Waitress
Wolfhound (3) Servers
Business Description
Fair Game
- good fish and chips79
- a big room for parties225
- just inside the door lurked a life-sized, wooden Irish wolfhound; around it's neck was a sign that read WELCOME FRIEND227
- a rough-sawn wooden staircase; at the top of the stairs, just past the restrooms, was a door marked for private parties227
- through the door was a big room with four trestle tables with chairs and benches mixed in227
- Celtic music filtered in through speakers in the ceiling
- specialty is bangers and mash
Jazz Club|A
Jazz Club|A
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Gray
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Business Description
- can fit around sixty or so crowded together118
- serves mixed drinks118
- hunting ground for Elyna O'Malley Gray118
- popular club in the Loop; attracts tourists118
- dark outside the club; has a private dark space around the back120
- has a half-alley trap, no bigger than ten feet by twenty for a hiding spot120
- was Pierre Colbert favorite club128
Jazz Club|B
Jazz Club|B
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Gray
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Business Description
- closed for remodeling sign on the door126
- not in a nice neighborhood127
- a large room full of tarps, sawhorses and tools127
- the walls had been newly painted a burnt orange127
Kadlec Regional Medical Center
Kadlec Regional Medical Center
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Location: Richland, Washington
Business Description
Blood Bound
KGH|Kennewick General Hospital
KGH|Kennewick General Hospital
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Location: Richland, Washington
Samuel Cornick
Business Description
Silver Borne
- through double doors that led to the inner sanctum47
- X-ray storage room51
- past the curtained off rooms; white cardboard file boxes were piled up on racks with a feeling of imposed order52
Lampson International
Lampson International
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Location: Pasco, Washington
Mundane Lampson
Mundane Lampson Runner
Sherwood Post
Business Description
Fire Touched
- builds the world's largest cranes27
- their headquarters is right at the base of the Cable Bridge; four stories tall, the glass-and-steel structure was distinctively odd; it looked very much as though a giant had picked up a pyramid, turned it upside down, and squished it back into the ground27
- on the edge and just up the hill from the parking lot of the building was the Vietnam Memorial27
- has a scrap yard with several old warehouses83
- Transi-Lift LTL-3000; one of the cranes; nearly forty stories high227
- it's the largest crane they've ever built; it's not the biggest crane in the world but it is the largest twin-crawler crane in the world229
- was located in a warehouse district near the railroad; the whole area still showed signs of the army depot it had once been with long wooden warehouses laid out in orderly patterns230
- the crane was commissioned to build nuclear power plants; plans stalled with the Japanese tsunami230
- crane was a part of the Pasco skyline; in the daylight, the crane part of it was bright orange with sections of white, and the crawler part—this thing that moved with two tanklike treads each with its own control booth—was bright Lampson blue231
- the crane is 560 feet tall and can lift six million pounds232
Butte Laundromat
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts
Location: Butte, Montana
Employer: Hao Xun
Thomas Hao
Business Description
Fairy Gifts
Law Office|Spokane
Law Office Spokane
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Location: Spokane, Washington
Jean Ryan
Business Description
Iron Kissed
Loan Shark
Loan Shark
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Redemption
Location: London, England
Employer: London (B) Alpha
Ben Shaw
London Pack (2)
Business Description
- the whole pack worked for the Alpha384
- the Second, Terry did collections and was the only pack member to be paid384
Medical Clinic|Texas
Medical Clinic
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: N/A, Texas
Employer: Samuel Cornick
Business Description:
Moon Called
- Samuel set up a medical clinic; came back to his pack about two years before the start of Moon Called
Nite Owl Motel
Nite Owl Motel
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #8: Night Broken
Location: East Pasco, Washington
Business Description
Night Broken
- Tri-Cities doesn't have really dangerous neighborhoods, but east Pasco comes close57
- motel one of those old ones with little rooms that opened out onto the parking lot; the kind they don't build anymore because they aren't really safe57
- weak yellow illumination of the motel's parking-lot lights58
- odorous motel rooms62
- Warren Smith and Zack Drummond have both stayed there65
Nonprofit for Homeless Shelters
Nonprofit for Homeless Shelters
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Asil and the Not-Date
Location: Spokane, Washington
Case Manager
Tami ReidDeceased
Business Description
Asil and the Not-Date
- hires social workers211
- nonprofit involved with finding housing—temporary and permanent—for the homeless211
- macro-work: grant writing, property management, supervision212
- work with city officals212
Old Town Bakery
Old Town Bakery
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Location: Prague, Czechia
Employer: Libor
Werewolf Baker
Bakery Server
Bakery Waitstaff
Business Description
Silence Fallen
Opium Den|A
Opium Den|A
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts
Location: Butte, Montana
Employer: Hao Xun
Thomas Hao
Business Description
Fairy Gifts
- down in the mining tunnels73
- would sometimes put arsenic in the opium to deter thieves75
- customers all paid ahead of time or they didn't get in81
Opium Den|B&C
Opium Den|B&C
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts
Location: Butte, Montana
Employer: Mr Wong Mr Luk
Business Description
Fairy Gifts
- sometimes took their nonpaying customers deep into the mines and left them in the maze of tunnels out of which they never found their way81
Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Pacific Northwest Laboratories
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Richland, Washington
Employer: US Government
Darryl Zao | Ph.D. Engineer
Ben Shaw | DBA: Database Administrator
Business Description:
Moon Called
- working on a government hush-hush project
- affiliated in some arcane manner with the Hanford Nuclear Site114
Pacific Northwest Laboratories| DBA Division
PNL| Database Administration Division
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Redemption
Location: Richland, Washington
Employer: US Government
Ben Shaw | DBA: Database Administrator
DBA Division Affair
DBA Division Affair (4) Members
DBA Division Doorway
DBA Division Head of Security
DBA Division (2+) Security
DBA Division Web Applications
Karen Sinclair-Ramsey
Ken Lincoln
Lorna Winkler
Lorna Winkler (2+) Bosses
Mark Duffy
Mark Duffy Victim
Mel Dryer
Stan Brown
Business Description:
- uses Prophet database365
- against company protocol to share unapproved programs and code with someone who worked for another company365
- code written by company IT personnel was supposed to be shown to marketing to see if it was a viable product365
- giant, cubicle-filled room366
- company library368
Pasco Hotel
Pasco Hotel
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Business Description:
Pasco Wrecking Yard
Pasco Wrecking Yard
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned
Location: Pasco, Washington
Employer: N/A
Business Description
Frost Burned
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Kennewick, Washington
Tony Montenegro | Undercover Cop
Business Description
Moon Called
- had the nearest soft drink machine
- Tony ran the business as an undercover cop; low-key, cheerful, middle-aged man
- passed on to different hands after Tony's tenure
Plumbing Contractor
Plumbing Contractor
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Location: N/A, Washington
Employer:Peter JorgensonDeceased
Honey Jorgenson
Mundanes (6) Plumbers
Business Description
Blood Bound
- good at his job, and he had half dozen people (human) on his payroll22
Prophet Database Company
Prophet Database Company
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Redemption
Business Description
- has a support line363
- they thought it would sound better to give their overseas India customer-service reps American names363
- they have a general number for IT support363
- the whole IT, computer geek, world called it the For-Profit database; the database was well written, but all the programs the mother company tried to sell with it were garbage365
- the Prophet was the gold standard of databases, the company that owned it got to sit on that reputation for everything else365
Real Estate Company
Real Estate Company
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: N/A, Washington
John Cavanaugh Deceased
Business Description
Moon Called
- Realtor's sign on a tree farm proclaiming it sold
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #0.5: Alpha & Omega Novella
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Employer: George (A) George (A) Wife
Greek Restaurant (2+) Servers
George (A) Daughter
Business Description
Alpha & Omega Novella
- a little Greek place tucked in the shadow of the L train tracks
- public seating; has private room with only one table
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Roses in Winter
Location: Missoula, Montana
Waitress (A) Indian-Vegan Restaurant
Waitress (B) Indian-Vegan Restaurant
Business Description
Roses in Winter
- the food was good284
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: In Red, with Pearls
Location: Washington
Business Description
In Red, with Pearls
- kitty corner from Kyle Brooks law offices349
- music was loud enough that human ears wouldn't hear private conversations349
- has fish tostadas350
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #0.5: Alpha & Omega Novella
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Employer: N/A
Business Description
Alpha & Omega Novella
- near a park, one of the forest preserves
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Asil and the Not-Date
Location: Spokane, Washington
Host Romantic Restaurant
Waiter Romantic Restaurant
Business Description
Asil and the Not-Date
- quiet, romantic205
- small dark tables set with illusionary privacy in dark corner with soft music playing in the background205
- serves good wine206
- probably the most romantic restaurant in Spokane206
- dim lighting209
- serves good food210
- front of restaurant has benches by the door214
- relatively private alcove near it214
Richland High School
Richland High School
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Location: Richland, Washington
Employer: Richland Board of Education
Aurielle Zao | Chemistry teacher
Business Description:
- educating the youth of the Tri-Cities
Richland Light Opera Company
Richland Light Opera Company
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Location: Richland, Washington
Business Description:
Blood Bound
- perform out of the Richland middle school auditorium48
- performed the The Pirates of Penzance
Sales Trainer
Sales Trainer
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #4: Dead Heat
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Employer: Chelsea Sani + Chelsea Sani Partner
Business Description
Dead Heat
- trains people to sell things63
- a company that sells that training to other companies63
- lots of companies hire them63
Sasquatch Express-O
Sasquatch Express-O
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Location: Happy Camp, California
Employer: Dana
Business Description
Wild Sign
- far side of town174
- in a little hut174
- one of those miniature house-looking places; covered with cedar shake shingles that made it look vaguely hariy176
- set up as a drive-through; when closed the car lane had an A-frame signboard blocking it that read Sasquatch hunting. Back at 4 p.m. so you can be up all night.176
- closes from two to four178
- two metal picnic tables between the coffee shop and the snow cone stand176
- parking lot beside the coffee shop176
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #0.5: Alpha & Omega Novella
Location: Oak Park, Illinois
Employer: Tim]\\
[[Anna Cornick | Previous
Business Description
Alpha & Omega Novella
- Italian restaurant; best Italian restaurant in Chicago; best gnocchi in Chicago
- boss wouldn't let servers work more than fifty hours a week; free meal each shift
Snow Cone Stand
Snow Cone Stand
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Location:Happy Camp, California
Employer: N/A
Zander Fernwood Deceased
Business Description
Wild Sign
- two metal picnic tables between the Sasquatch Express-O and the snow cone stand176
- the stand itself was a ridiculous thing176
- the functional part, a circular workstation about six feet in diameter, was covered with a cone-shaped plastic top painted a bright rainbow of color176
- supposed to look like a snow cone; or maybe an ice cream cone176
- a cardboard sign duct-taped to the side listed the prices for small and large cones in wide black Sharpie written in an even and readable hand176
- parking lot beside the coffee shop176
Simon Landscaping and Lawn Care
Simon Landscaping and Lawn Care
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Hollow
Location: Yakima, Washington
Employer: Lisa Simon]\\
[[Simon (A) 4 Crew
Simon (B) 4 Crew
Business Description
- yard-care company centered in Yakima, but they service all the way from the Tri-Cities to Ellensburg—about a hundred-mile radius403
- do everything from designing yards to maintenance403
- two crews of four people each who work full-time403
Stop and Rob
Stop and Rob
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Finley, Washington
Employer: Stop and Rob Owner
Samuel Cornick
Stop and Rob Clerk
Warren Smith
Business Description
Moon Called
- 24/7 gas station and convenience store
- small office at the back of the store
- couple of miles from Adam Hauptman House
- ten miles closer to home than any other store that was open late
Tow Truck Service
Tow Truck Service
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned
Employer: Dale Dale Wife
Business Description
Frost Burned
Trading Post
Trading Post
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Location: Hour Outside Yreka, California
Employer: Ford
Trading Post Server
Business Description
Wild Sign
- just off the highway to Yreka, looked to be a gas station; all but buried in trees64
- gravel parking lot; battered, flat-roofed building sported a ruff of cedar shakes like a tonsured monk on top; cheap paneling everywhere else64
- siding was painted a blue that had once been dark but had faded to a blue gray64
- pair of old gas pumps out front wrapped in battered yellow caution tape; indicating that part of the business was no longer in service64
- lighted beer signs in the small dirty windows obscured what lay beyond65
- sometimes a bar65
- river nearby65
- a lot of things stuffed into one building66
- carpet was threadbare, with the floorboards peeking through here and there67
- four card tables, of the folding sort, were squished together in one corner with stacking chairs67
- half the space not dedicate to tables was stocked like a tiny grocery store, with refrigerated goods stored in a double-sided, glass-fronted fridge67
- one of the walls consisted of a big walk-in freezer; a hand-lettered sign on the freezer door advertised locker space available above a price list for beef, pork, and venison sold in quarters, halves or whole67
- remaining space was a very basic clothing store carrying jeans, blue T-shirts, a variety of flannel shirts and brown leather lace-up boots67
- along the back wall, shelves offered enough ammunition to arm a good-sized militia67
- in the corner next to the shelves was a huge old metal safe that looked very much like it belonged in a Hollywood Western-and-bank-robbery movei67
- a door in the back leads outside; building has a service alcove68
- no cash register; mostly don't use cash74
Travel Agent
Travel Agent
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #8: Night Broken
Location: N/A Washington
Employer: Adam Hauptman
Hauptman Security Travel Agent
Business Description
Night Broken
- the agent Adam calls to coordinate his not-infrequent business travel; both business and werewolf business06
Tree Farm
Tree Farm
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Benton City, Washington
Employer: Columbia Basin Vineyard
Business Description
Moon Called
- nestled just south of Benton City a small town about twenty minutes outside of Richland
- was closed; still acres of unharvested trees; maples, oaks and a few pine
- has a huge pole building warehouse nestled well behind a manufactured home
- sold and purchased by a local winery that intended to use the land to grow grapes in the coming spring
- aluminum side of warehouse
- interior of warehouse cavernous; filled with hundreds, maybe thousands of crates, pallet-sized with three-foot-tall plywood sides; warped by moisture and wear
- crates stacked three high or racks that reached almost to the ceiling
- smelled musty; there was a sprinkler system set up and drains on the floor
- had a section for offices
Tri-City Herald
Tri-City Herald
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #11: Storm Cursed
Location: Tri-Cities, Washington
Business Description
Storm Cursed
- local newspaper213
- has a Public Records section167
Uncle Mike's Tavern
Uncle Mike's Tavern
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Pasco, Tri-Cities
Employer: Uncle Mike
Business Description
Moon Called
- bar the Fae who don't want to be gawked at mostly hang out150
- across the Columbia River from Mercy's Garage; near the Pasco Industrial Park150
- old building had once been a small warehouse150
- there were warehouses on either side, both heavily tagged by graffiti; the Tavern exterior was always pristine150
- has a parking lot150
- inside the bar was darker; stairs led from the entry to the bar proper150
- the bar took up all of the wall on the right151
- a small dance floor cleared in the center of the room, with clusters of small tables scattered around the outside151
Vampire Protection Racket
Vampire Protection Racket
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Columbia Basin | Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco + Burbank and West Richland and smaller towns
Employer: Marsilia
Mid-Columbia Seethe
Business Description
Moon Called
- in the Columbia Basin every business the vampires considered under their jurisdiction (meaning anyone touched by the supernatural who was too powerless to stand against them) paid them protection money
- just like the mod, the vampires only protect you from themselves
Westwood Dance Studio
Westwood Dance Studio
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #3: Fair Game
Location: Westwood, Massachusetts
Employer: N/A
Business Description
Fair Game
- established 2006
- a polished floor; lingering scent of horses; originally a barn repurposed into a dance studio256/sup> * big open room; far end, on the short wall, a bench held a couple of pairs of slip on shoes and a belly-dancing belt<sup>256
- next to the bench, one corner of the barn was closed off and a sign that read OFFICE hung on the door256
- a wall of mirrors spanned the long side of the barn; a long brass bar, placed about three feet up and running the length of the mirrored surface256
- ceiling had exposed rafters256
- barn-turned-dance studio256
- sign is near a bunch of lilac bushes268
- walls are old two-by-twelve timbers271
- floor was waxed and slippery273
Witches-R-Us|Pacific Northwest
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Location: Tri-Cities, Washington+
Employer: Elizaveta Arkadyevna
Kikimora Family Witches Deceased
Nadia Popov Deceased
Robert Arkadyevna Deceased
Business Description
Moon Called
- keeping mundane humans ignorant of the magic that lives among them; a specialized and lucrative business
- works on retainer for Columbia Basin Pack
Yard and Garden Store
Yard and Garden Store
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned
Location: Tri-Cities, Washington
Business Description
Frost Burned