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Honey Jorgenson


Physical Description

Blood Bound

  • Honey had waves of shimmering golden brown hair that fell over her shoulders to her hips105
  • Her face was all soft curves and pouty lips105

Night Broken

  • Honey had lost weight since her husband's death81
  • She'd cut her honey-colored hair into a severe style that framed her face with its newly hollowed cheekbones. With that and her body reduced to muscle and bone, she should have looked hard, but instead she looked fragile81


Appearances & Mentions



Blood Bound

  • Honey was, if anything, more beautiful in her wolf form than she was in her human form115
  • Honey's wolf is glorious115
  • She was a small werewolf, about the height of a large German Shepherd though heavier in the body and leg. Her fur was a light fawn color with a darker undercoat and a silvery stripe down her back almost the same color as her crystal gray eyes117
  • When she moved she looked gracile and strong, just not entirely canid117
  • Honey's summer coat wasn't as splendid as her winter one, but it revealed the play of muscle in a way her thicker fur would not have117



Family & Significant Other

Former Mate - Peter Jorgenson


Character Traits & Facts

Blood Bound

  • Drives a sky blue Miata convertible105

Iron Kissed

  • Honey has a Toyota204

Education, Work Experience & Languages

Night Broken

  • Honey had sold the business after Peter's death and was talking about going back to school. She didn't need a job for money, but she needed something to do217

Spirituality & Personality

Blood Bound

  • Is used to male attention84
  • Mercy has never seen Honey wear anything that wasn't classy105

Iron Kissed

  • What she wants out of life–status, both in the werewolf world and the human one, and money116

Night Broken

  • Honey didn't like being dominant-she avoided situations in which her natural temperament showed through93
  • Doesn't like change, is comfortable with the old ways96

Talents & Skills

Blood Bound

  • Honey trailed behind Mercy and Tony, but she was good enough that Tony didn't spot her121

Health & Fitness

Blood Bound

  • Honey fights mean. She's taken Darryl down a time or two in training85


Iron Kissed

  • Fastidious112

Night Broken

  • Interesting that she knew the rules for visiting someone in prison82
  • Honey doesn't do clichés94
  • Dogs are afraid of her98
  • Honey had an arrangement with a place in Kennewick-an arrangement that included a huge tip for the driver and a surcharge on the pizza235


she likes ZeeNB-

Talents & Skills: she was good enough at trailing that Mercy didn't think Tony spotted herBB-

Quirks: had an arrangement with a pizza place in Kennewick—an arrangement that included a huge tip for the driver and a surcharge on the pizza, so they would deliver out to her houseNB- might be the only wolf willing to go shopping on Black FridayFB- not one to fidgetNB-


With Mercy: she ever talked to Mercy: she didn’t like Mercy any more than Mercy liked herBB- Mercy wasn’t surprised that Honey fought mean. She was a little surprised that Honey fought well enough to take down Darryl, even a time or twoBB- There were a lot of reasons Mercy didn’t like HoneyBB- started to treat each other with cautious friendlinessBB- one of the first wolves to accept Mercy as Adam's mateBB- She intimidated Mercy in an entirely different way than the werewolves usually did, and it had taken Mercy a long time to get over itIK- at odds again Honey when Mercy had forced the pack to take a new look at their hierarchy, particularly the way women’s ranks were awardedFB- warming again to Mercy and thinks she cares very muchNB- she admires Mercy but often disagrees with her methods and goalsNB-

With Her Wolf: had been a werewolf for a long time and her control was excellentBB-119 She wanted the role she’d been assigned as his mate rather than the one that should have been rightfully hers as a dominant wolf. She didn’t want to be who she was; she wanted to be delicate and ladylike and feminineFB- even on the best of days, Honey wouldn’t make a good horsey, like Samuel had beenFB- her control was shaky after Peter's deathFB- she thinks she's a monsterNB-

With The Pack: a friend of Warren'sBB-130 Honey isn’t out yetBB- Ben thinks she is eye-candySB- the idea that they might rank her where she belonged offended her idea of what a lady should be. Maybe she worried it would cause trouble in the pack, or between her and her mate. Maybe she was afraid that she was going to get targeted in the dominance fightsSB- had been a member of Adam's pack for nearly thirty yearsFB- Adam had promised she could kill Peter's killerFB- extremely loyal to Adam and one of the best fightersFB- Mary Jo gave up her apartment and moved in with Honey after Peter's funeralFB-

With Peter: Despite being a bimbo with no appreciation for anything except what she could see in a mirror, Honey loved her husbandBB- Peter is a lot older than herIK-115 Mercy always wondered why Honey had married her husband, who was so far down in the pack power structure when she was as dominant as all but the top two or three wolves. Since she took her rank from her husband, she was a lot lower than she’d been before she’d taken Peter as her mateIK- Honey and her husband worked well as a fighting teamIK- wracked with grief over Peter's deathFB- Peter used to call her Min prinsesseFB- months after his death Peter's ghost was still following herNB-

With Christy: thinks Christy is manipulative;and not nearly as helpless as she pretends to beNB- had her own private celebration when Christy left AdamNB-

With Gary Laughingdog: Gary told her there’s a change coming for her. He got a feel for change, and she'll have a big one somewhere near you soonNB- Honey inspired him to stay and fightNB- she's interested in him and that bothers herNB-

honey_jorgenson.1642767153.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/21 04:12 by theirine