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Ben Shaw


Ben the Grouch Re-388

Physical Description

Chat Archives

  • Ben is probably a little younger than Mercy, 25 or so Chat 2007-07-21

Moon Called

  • Not bad-looking, if a trifle effeminate for Mercy's taste 59
  • He looked boyishly charming when he smiled61

Iron Kissed

  • Has pale hair99
  • Taller than Adam 276

Bone Crossed

  • His blond hair looked almost white illuminated by the porch light 26
  • Fine featured 72

Fire Touched

  • Clear blue eyes 66


Ben Shaw Injuries & Scars
Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Injury Type/Scar Notes
Shot By Tranquilizer Dart 286 Werewolf (C) Mercenary
Mercy Thompson Series #2: Blood Bound
Injury Type/Scar Notes
Broken Front Leg243 Andre
Attempted Suicide264 Attacked Another Wolf
Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
  • Shot by a tranquilizer dart. MC-286
  • Ben had a flap of torn skin on his hip that oozed blood, and one front leg bent oddly about two inches below the joint. BB-243
  • He’d attacked another male werewolf without provocation—attempted suicide, werewolf style.BB-264
  • Ben was crumpled against Adam's SUV and there was a huge dent in the quarter panel just above him.IK-208
  • Smoke inhalation and blistering burns.SB-165
  • Shot through his leg above the knee.FB-26
  • Bled all over Marsilia's car.FB-110
  • He had a long cut the length of his face from the tip of his eye, down his jaw and onto his collarbone. FT-265
  • Bitten by the smoke beast. Smoke Bitten-154
  • Knee, shoulder, and back broken while possessed by smoke beast.Smoke Bitten-157

Appearances & Mentions



Chat Archives

  • Has been a wolf for 6 or 7 years 2007-07-21

Moon Called

  • The red wolf was taller and leaner than usual, as if he'd been bred for running rather than fighting 279

Blood Bound

  • Despite his attitude, Ben had more control of his wolf than nearly all of the others 139
  • Ben had given up entirely to his wolf under the influence of Littleton255
  • He wouldn't shift from wolf or hunt with the pack after he killed Daniel262

Iron Kissed

  • If it weren't for the two submissive wolves in the pack, Ben would be on the bottom277

Frost Burned

  • His eyes were bright gold with the wolf27
  • If Ben had killed when he was wounded and shaken by Peter’s death, he could lose control of his wolf and never regain it7


  • His wolf saw all humans as weak, and people could feel things like that368
  • He let the wolf he kept balled up inside him out just enough to be scary but not enough to be dangerous, a more difficult balance than usual because the moon’s song was in his blood367
  • He stretched his neck and heard the bones pop, a sign that the wolf was too prominent367
  • A wolf’s immortality was a gift for him to use wisely or poorly378
  • He usually changed for the nights on either side of a full moon because fighting it was tough. No use at all fighting if the moon was full, she called his wolf right out380

Fire Touched

  • Ben had been climbing the pack hierarchy-not by battling his way up but by not backing down66



Ben Shaw House

  • Tri-Cities, Washington
  • A recent import from Great Britain BB-57
  • Raised in London and had lived there until a year and a half agoSB-38

Family & Significant Other


Northwest Laboratories DBA Division
Database administer, better known in the IT world as a DBA Re-365

Character Traits & Facts

Moon Called

  • Accent that wasn't quite like Prince Charles, but closer to that than Fagan in Oliver 56

Iron Kissed

  • Ben was tough as nails106
  • Fled England to Adam's pack to avoid questioning in a brutal multiple rape case106
  • Owned a little red Chevy truck204
  • Ben was abused as a child282

Education, Work Experience & Languages

  • Education
  • Work Experience
      • A computer geek working at the Pacific Northwest Nation Laboratory which was affiliated in some arcane manner with the Hanford Nuclear Site101
      • At work, when they get bored, they issue challenges102
      • Everyone at his work was scared of him except his friend Rajeev because Rajeev was on the other side of the world369
      • Ben had been used as a motivational force for good in his workplace when he tried to stop swearing to win a bet with Adam375
  • Language

Spirituality & Personality

Chat Archives

  • Ben's problems are personality problems, not werewolf related2008-10-11
  • Ben hates women. He'll do whatever he can to bother them2007-05-20
  • Ben mostly just hates everyone2007-05-20

Blood Bound

  • He was a petty, nasty, and violent man. Everything he said came out like a sneer or a threat, all in this nifty British accent 57
  • Ben thinks he's handsome, clever, and witty 60

Iron Kissed

  • He believes you only run if you have hope257
  • Ben was vain enough to enjoy attention279

Bone Crossed

  • Ben was a misogynist of the highest order with the added bonus of a foul mouth169

Silver Borne

  • When he extends himself beyond his usually nasty personality, people tend to find Ben reassuring170
  • He was bitter when he first arrived; Eastern Washington is a big comedown from London185


  • Ben was starting not to recognize himself375
  • Ben threw away what he knew and tried to go with what he felt—which was difficult for him because facts had never failed him the way emotions had377
  • All of his life, Ben had always been considered brilliant—troubled, obnoxious, criminal, occasionally violent, but always brilliant376

Talents & Skills

Iron Kissed

  • Ben made a really, really scary boogeyman298

Bone Crossed

  • Wouldn't win a verbal skirmish with Kyle235

Silver Borne

  • Computer work such as the mailing list is Ben's duty in the pack188

Frost Burned

  • Ben is good for defense270


  • Writes his own code; is a top flight computer guru365

Health & Fitness

Frost Burned

  • severely abused when he was a child85


Bone Crossed

  • He swears a lot, but never when Adam is around29

Frost Burned

  • He's creative when he swears8
  • Ben's too smart to swear at cops8


  • Ben’s cubicle was the farthest one, and he liked it that way because people with random issues usually stopped elsewhere before they got to him370
  • Ben hung a whiteboard on the outside of his cubicle wall next to the entrance of his lair. On it he had written: I know you are here. Wait silently, and I'll get to you as soon as I am able. If you speak with before then, you will not find me helpful. On the floor just inside his cubicle was a mat with a pair of black footprints and “Wait here” painted on it370

Silence Fallen

  • Ben's work had a discussion about swearing in professional emails with him. Being Ben, he'd actually increased the swearwords, but added asterisks98


Mercy and Ben

Chat Archives

  • Ben likes Mercy despite himself2008-01-06

Blood Bound

  • Mercy dislikes Ben85
  • Ben shifted in order to help save Mercy after she went hunting Andre289

Bone Crossed

  • Ben adores Mercy. He doesn't know how to deal with it yet232

Silver Borne

  • He could be creepy and horrible, but he was almost Mercy's friend46
  • Ben rushed into Mercy's burning trailer with Adam to help save her; rescued Medea165

River Marked

  • Mercy told him her sisters were off limits39


  • the burnt motor-oil smell that was a part of her used to irritate him—and now it irritated him that he associated the smell with pack and safety377

Smoke Bitten

  • Mercy didn't know that she could bear a world without the foul-mouthed wolf154

Adam and Ben

Chat Archives

  • Bran was pretty sure Ben was fixable which is why he was sent to Adam2009-10-08

Moon Called

  • Adam told Jesse to stay out of his way58
  • He came to Adam's rescue twice, and the second time it was only chance that he intercepted a tranquilizer rather than a bullet304

Blood Bound

  • Ben would take a bullet for Adam57

Iron Kissed

  • He was impressed with Adam's computer skills274

River Marked

  • Darryl, Warren and Ben lined up next to Adam during his and Mercy's wedding33


  • He didn’t think of Adam as his father. He’d had one father, and that was enough for him. But Adam was good at sorting out people375
  • Adam would never hurt him or allow him to be hurt outside of the discipline needed to keep peace within the pack377

With The Pack

Blood Bound

  • Not an out werewolf at this time56
  • Ben was a pretty decent nerd and that surprised Darryl who got him a job102

Bone Crossed

  • After Mary Jo was healed from death, she told Ben that if he’d keep his mouth shut, she’d love to get naked with him169

Silver Borne

  • It took Ben a while to appreciate Warren185
  • Ben had to memorize the official code of conduct before he was allowed to join the pack234

Frost Burned

  • People outside the pack and Adam's family just weren't real to him85
  • He considers Kyle a part of the pack85
  • He likes Kyle and he didn't like very many people137


  • He didn’t care how dominant he was, he didn’t, though he disliked obeying other wolves intensely377
  • Has new upward mobility in the pack structure377

Night Broken

  • Ben had changed and grown stronger and wasn't as subservient to Aurielle132

Fire Touched

  • Ben had been climbing the pack hierarchy-not by battling his way up but by not backing downFT-66

Smoke Bitten

  • Warren and Ben are good friends98

With His Previous Pack:


  • Ben’s first Alpha had been more beast than man, and he’d never explained anything about dominance other than the absolute rule that Ben had to obey everyone he couldn’t take down376
  • Terry had been the pack’s second in London, in Ben’s first pack384
  • He worked for the Alpha, who was a loan shark. The whole pack worked for him, really, but Terry got paid for it. Terry’s job was to go collect from people who weren’t making their payments384
  • Shortly after Ben was Changed, he was sent to tag along to make sure matters were discreet. The Alpha felt that Terry might forget himself and hang around until the police came by384
  • After his real IT job, Ben got to trail Terry around three days a week384
  • Terry didn’t just beat up the people because they weren’t quick with their money; he beat up people because he liked it. Ben’s real job was to stop him before there was a dead body385
  • Terry went hunting with Ben as observer; sometimes it was one of the other wolves, but mostly it was Ben—and Terry liked that part of it, too—and so did some dark part of Ben385
  • And so it went for almost a year and a half, fourteen victims. The fifteenth lay unconscious on the floor386
  • Ben cut Terry's throat, then ripped off his head387

With His Wolf:

Blood Bound

  • Ben had given up entirely to his wolf under the influence of Littleton255
  • He wouldn't shift from wolf or hunt with the pack after he killed Daniel262

Frost Burned

  • If Ben had killed when he was wounded and shaken by Peter’s death, he could lose control of his wolf and never regain it76


  • His wolf saw all humans as weak, and people could feel things like that368
  • He let the wolf he kept balled up inside him out just enough to be scary but not enough to be dangerous, a more difficult balance than usual because the moon’s song was in his blood367
  • He stretched his neck and heard the bones pop, a sign that the wolf was too prominentRe-367
  • A wolf’s immortality was a gift for him to use wisely or poorly378
  • He usually changed for the nights on either side of a full moon because fighting it was tough. No use at all fighting if the moon was full, she called his wolf right out380

Ben & His Parents

Issues with Women & the Law:

Chat Archives

  • Ben doesn't have a criminal record – but it's more that he didn't get caught than any good behavior on his part.He's had run ins with the police, been suspected of stuff2009-10-08
  • Ben was high on the suspect list for some rather nasty crimes involving women. Not even Ben's Alpha knew if he'd done them2009-10-08

Iron Kissed

  • Ben had fled England to Adam's pack to avoid questioning in a brutal multiple rape case99

River Marked

  • He's better than he was when he first came to Adam's pack, but he's not safe. Some part of him still hates women, still looks upon them as prey; as long as that's true, he needs watching40


  • He wasn’t used to having a woman defend him. It made him feel odd. Odder than it should375
  • Women were always smiling and pretty on the outside382

With Vampires:

Chat Archives

  • Ben likes Stefan quite a bit2008-04-05

Blood Bound

  • Ben and Daniel had struck up an odd friendship while they were out hunting Littleton and it destroyed him after he killed him262

Bone Crossed

  • Ben fed Stefan when he needed it; feels he owes him30
ben_shaw.1641614479.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/07 20:01 by theirine