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Moon Called

  • Mistress of the Mid-Columbia Seethe186

Frost Burned

  • The Vampire Queen28
  • Queen of the Damned100
  • Bright Dagger300
  • Lord of Night's Bright Blade330

Physical Description

Moon Called

  • Looked like a woman in her early twenties186
  • Blond hair186
  • Dark eyes186

Blood Bound

  • Beautiful66
  • Long, highly decorated fingernails67

Bone Crossed

  • Abyss-dark eyes199

Frost Burned

  • A beautiful woman. The night robbed her gold hair of its richness, but the moon kissed her even features and made her dark eyes mysterious282

Silence Fallen

  • Bone and muscle deep beauty45
  • Intelligent brown eyes45


Marsilia Injuries & Scars
Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Injury Type/Scar Notes
Burn Shaped like Sheep on Forehead191 Mercy Thompson
Dislocated Shoulder322 William Frost
Body too Broken to Stand328 William Frost

Appearances & Mentions


Vampires & Sheep - Vampire


Moon Called

  • Her voice was pleasant, but there was power behind it, something akin to the power the Alphas could call upon174
  • Her control is not as good as it once was189
  • Never been repulsed by a sheep before. Crosses, scriptures, and holy water, but not a sheep198
  • Has been asleep for two centuries199
  • Suffered from the same malady as the older wolves199
  • Used to prefer wolves to more mundane prey—that’s why she lost her place in Italy and was sent here two hundred years ago201

Blood Bound

  • Even five hundred years ago, sorcerers were rare; she had not seen one since they came to the desert77
  • Gets glimpses of the future sometimes231
  • Can vanish and reappear somewhere else264

Bone Crossed

  • Can break the bonds between Master and sheep. She can either take them herself, or simply dissolve them157
  • Can vanish and reappear somewhere else250

Frost Burned

  • Really old, and didn't do emotions quite right284
  • Changed before Mercy's eyes. Not physically, not a change of shape, but a change of personality. Gone was the sex goddess, the vicious woman who hated and despised her. Instead, she looked—ordinary, tired, and . . . and maybe a little scared286
  • Well deserved reputation that followed her here. She is powerful and dangerous297
  • Marsilia wasn't just the Mistress of the City-she was a Power305

Silence Fallen

  • Is a power in the vampire hierarchy51

Storm Cursed

  • Could teleport herself a lot farther than Stefan could247



Family & Significant Other


Blood Bound

  • Only the Mistress is allowed to feed other vampires and feed from them207
  • Without the blood she provides them, the weaker vampires would die207
  • The lesser vampires, those not strong enough to live outside the seethe, are her menagerie211

Bone Crossed

  • Marsilia’s seethe there had once been five vampires who had reached some sort of power plateau so that they did not depend upon the Mistress of the seethe for survival; Stefan, Andre, Wulfe, Bernard and Estelle165


Seethe Mistress

Character Traits & Facts

Moon Called

  • Her voice was a deep contralto made richer by a touch of an Italian accent186
  • There was something off about her expressions and her gestures, as if she were only aping humans. As if, without us here to perform for, she would not appear human at all187
  • She had everything almost right. Her heart beat, she breathed regularly. Her skin was flushed slightly, like a person who has just finished walking in the cold. But her smiles were just slightly wrong: coming too late or too early. Her imitation of a human was very close, but not quite close enough to be real188

Bone Crossed

  • She’s not as smart as she thinks—and that will be her downfall186

Frost Burned

  • Had a three month old dark blue Mercedes S 65 AMG27
  • Her Mercedes had bulletproof glass and was clean of tracking devices28

Education, Work Experience & Languages

Spirituality & Personality

Moon Called

  • Has not been herself since she was exiled here from Milan199

Blood Bound

  • Not the type to be concerned about the deaths of a few humans or even a few hundred humans31
  • Obsessed with returning to Milan275

Bone Crossed

  • The one thing Marsilia cared about was the seethe169

Frost Burned

  • Would never so much as blink unless it benefited her274

Silence Fallen

  • Vindictive123

Talents & Skills

Frost Burned

  • A bruiser and a trained boxer with tidy and agile footwork320

Health & Fitness

Moon Called

  • Has been in a state of lethargy since she was exiled to the US177


Blood Bound

  • Walked with fluid grace66

Bone Crossed

  • Marsilia laughed, a beautiful, ringing laugh199

Frost Burned

  • Dislikes using phones or surrogates when she can make you dance to her bidding264
  • Hates stupid people315


With Mercy

Bone Crossed

  • If they had met at a different place and time, Marsilia could have liked Mercy. Or killed her199
  • Marsilia would've liked Mercy, if Mercy wasn't what she was, and Marsilia wasn't what she was209

Frost Burned

  • Mercy is afraid of her261
  • Mercy doesn't respect her262
  • Marsilia wouldn't hurt Mercy because the werewolves would destroy her if she did266
  • Marsilia would kill Mercy if she didn't have the pack300
  • Hated that Stefan and Mercy were friends305

Night Broken

  • Marsilia hates Mercy because Stefan is more than a little in love with her272

Silence Fallen

  • Somehow, when Mercy is destroying other people’s carefully laid plans, Marsilia thinks she is not so annoying118

With the Wolves

Blood Bound

  • Taken with Samuel last time34
  • When the two werewolves joined the hunt they became her responsibility206

Frost Burned

  • Marsilia benefited from the pack270
  • Considers Adam her colleague306

Storm Cursed

  • Marsilia likes and trusts Adam247

With the Vampires

Blood Bound

  • Stefan is a favorite of hers204
  • Marsilia thinks Stefan's concern for his menagerie is “cute”207
  • For a long time Marsilia was more of a figurehead than a leader. Stefan said she was pouting because she was exiled209
  • Marsilia is losing her grip on the seethe. No one is in outright rebellion, but the Mistress is not in absolute control either212

Bone Crossed * The hierarchy of the seethe was restless. Stefan and Andre had been loyal followers, but there were a couple of other vamps who hadn’t been so happy to see Marsilia up and taking charge73

  • Marsilia loves Lily dearly191

Frost Burned

  • Held the Master of Milan in thrall for centuries293
  • The Lord of Night might be angry with her, but he would enjoy avenging her293

Night Broken

  • Marsilia was courting Stefan with as much delicacy as a Victorian gentleman courted his chosen lady. He'd been her most loyal follower for centuries and she'd broken the ties between them with brutal thoroughness in order to maintain control of her seethe262

Silence Fallen

  • Marsilia would get more out of Wulfe than Adam could49
  • Iacopo was Marsilia's Master49
  • Marsilia was afraid of Iacopo49
  • Will never pine for Jacob again, though she will remember him fondly303

Smoke Bitten

  • Tended to view Stefan as her property164

With the Fae

Silence Fallen

  • Likes Larry the goblin121

AKA: The Mistress | Queen of the DamnedFB-100 ' The Vampire QueenFB- | Bright DaggerFB- | Lord of Night’s Bright BladeFB-

Appearances and Mentions:

Mercy Thompson 1: Moon Called Mercy Thompson 2: Blood Bound Mercy Thompson 3: Iron Kissed Mercy Thompson 4: Bone Crossed Mercy Thompson 6: River Marked Mercy Thompson 7: Frost Burned Mercy Thompson 8: Night Broken Mercy Thompson 9: Fire Touched

Vampire Powers: she gets glimpses of the future sometimesBB-231 can vanish and reappear somewhere elseBC-264

Age: [Human] early twentiesMC-174 [Vampire] Renaissance

Menagerie: the lesser vampires, those not strong enough to live outside the seethe, are her menagerieBB-211 only the Mistress is allowed to feed other vampires and feed from themBB-207 without the blood she provides them, the weaker vampires would dieBB-207 Marsilia’s seethe there had once been five vampires who had reached some sort of power plateau so that they did not depend upon the Mistress of the seethe for survival; Stefan, Andre, Wulfe, Bernard and EstelleBC-

Occupation: [Present] Seethe Mistress

Vehicle: dark blue Mercedes; an S 65 AMGFB-27

Physical Description: looks like a woman in her early twenties, evidently having died and become a vampire before life had marked herMC-174 her hair is blond; her eyes are darkMC-174 she walked with fluid graceBB-66 her voice was pleasant, but there was power behind it, something akin to the power the Alphas could call uponMC-174 there was something off about her expression and her gestures, as if she were only aping humansMC-176 she had everything almost right–her imitation of a human was very close, but not quite close enough to be realMC-176 Marsilia laughed, a beautiful, ringing laughBC- a beautiful woman. The night robbed her gold hair of its richness, but the moon kissed her even features and made her dark eyes mysteriousFB-

Character Traits & Facts:

Education, Experience & Languages: Even five hundred years ago, sorcerers were rare; she had not seen one since they came to the desertBB- For a long time Marsilia was more of a figurehead than a leader. Stefan said she was pouting because she was exiledBB- She’s not as smart as she thinks—and that will be her downfallBC- Goblins, harriers, the carrion feeders—there are a lot of Marsilia’s allies who hunt in the dayBC- Marsilia was really old, and did not do emotions quite rightFB- She was not some helpless girl but a sociopath who had outlived most of her enemiesFB- speaks ItalianFB- Marsilia had resisted Frost's magic showed everyone here that she wasn’t just the Mistress of the City—she was a PowerFB- knew a lot about WalkersFB- she was so certain of her ability to incapacitate Adam made Mercy reevaluate her intelligence—and not upwardFB-

Spirituality & Personality: Marsilia has not been herself since she was exiled here from Milan; is once again potent with her hungerMC-187

Marsilia has allowed greed to overcome her common sense by trying to control the sorcerer vampireBB-

Marsilia had been sent here as punishment for sleeping around with someone else’s favorite. She’d been a person of influence, so had come here with attendants—mostly, as far as I knew, Stefan, Andre— WulfeBC- Marsilia is mad. She’s been mad since she awoke twelve years ago, and she hasn’t gotten better with timeBC-

vulnerable with the loss of her powerful vampiresBC- Gone was the sex goddess, the vicious woman who hated and despised me. Instead, she looked—ordinary, tired, and . . . and maybe a little scaredFB- Marsilia did everything with an audienceFB- didn't want to live in the “before times”FB-

Talents & Skills: Marsilia had been sent here to die, but she hadn’t. Instead, she’d seen to it that her people survivedBC- she can track her own bloodBC- She held the Master of Milan in thrall for centuries, and any vampire with two pennies’ worth of common sense is terrified of attracting the attention of the Lord of NightFB- Marsilia is no fledgling; She has a well-deserved reputation that followed her here. She is powerful and dangerous, too dangerous even for the Necromancer to fight aloneFB- maybe Marsilia could see Frost's magicFB-

Health & Fitness: suffered from malady similar to older wolves; pull away from the world as it changes until some of them live like hermits in their caves, only coming out to feed and eventually even losing interest in thatMC- faster than MercyMC- moving like Marsilia, the Mistress of the local seethe—like a puppet, or an old, old vampire who had forgotten how to be humanBB- Old vampires had money. Marsilia had been going through a fugue—old-vampire version of depression, from what I’d gathered. She had sat around not doing much for years, and that made her look weakFB- Frost was worried about fighting MarsiliaFB- Marsilia was a bruiser—and a trained boxer, from her tidy and agile footworkFB-

Quirks: has a preference for werewolvesBB-66 very, very wealthyFB-


With Mercy: calls Mercy Stefan's petBB- asked for Mercy's help in killing LittletonBB- told Mercy how to kill vampiresBB- Marsilia told me that the reason vampires feared walkers was that we were resistant to vampire magics and could talk to ghostsBB- Since she’d sent Mercy after Littleton she couldn’t seek retribution without risking losing control of her seethe. Vampires take things like that very seriouslyBC- Marsilia could have just killed Mercy, but she was playingBC- not dumb enough to attack Mercy especially since she's under Adam's protectionBC- first time Mercy met Marsilia, she'd kind of admired her … at least until she’d enthralled SamuelBC- Mercy killed her best hope of returning to ItalyBC- wants Mercy deadBC-

had her car brought in for an oil change and Mercy ended up destroying itFB-

she owes Mercy after her help with FrostNB-

With Stefan: she hadn't thought Stefan would object to her use of him and his menagerie once he knew that she'd done it to protect herself; she'd miscalculated how badly Stefan would deal with her betrayalRM-05 considers Stefan her right handBB- When a bound one is made over by someone they’re not bound to, odd things happen; Stefan was never properly subservient to Marsilia, that he was bound by a different vampireBB- is Stefan's maker; Stefan never had to play slave; He was never a thrall. It happens sometimes, but such vampires are always killed upon their first rising. Any other vampire would have killed Stefan as soon as it was apparent that he wasn’t under their control, but Marsilia was in love. He gave her an oath of obedience, he never broke itBB- Stefan had been Marsilia’s favoriteBB-

Marsilia knew that Stefan had hidden Mercy's crime of killing Andre; She’d have never hurt Stefan so badly for anything else. She’d tortured and starved him and let him free to come to Mercy to feed: if he’d killed her, no blame would have fallen on herBC- She tortured you, starved you, banished you—then sent you to kill your little coyote bitchBC- Stefan serves her even though she has forsaken himBC- Marsilia hadn’t thought Stefan would object to her use of him and his menagerie once he knew that she’d done it to protect herself; He was, after all, her loyal Soldier. She’d miscalculated how badly Stefan would deal with her betrayal. From the looks of it, he wasn’t recovering wellRM- she came close to breaking StefanRM-

With you in the seethe, Marsilia will fight to protect Mercy because she is needed to keep you in line. You have been Marsilia’s Soldier for four centuries and more. Marsilia needs youNB- Marsilia will give her word that she will not touch the bond you share with Mercy, won’t try to claim her for herself—no matter how useful a tame walker would beNB-

With the Vampires:

Lord of Night/Master of Milan stuck a pin in a map and exiled her with those who owed her life or vassalageMC-190 considered Andre her left handBB- Marsilia doesn’t want to waste a vampire—especially not one who has all the powers of a demon at his touch(Littleton)BB- dissension in the ranks; Bernard and Estelle are making new vampiresBB- believed that gifted the Master of Milan a sorcerer vampire would end her exileBB-

Bernard and Estelle; They work against her where they can, and she knows it. They are of another’s making, given as gifts by a vampire not easily refused. She must take care of them, as she would any such gifts—but that doesn’t mean she has to trust themBC- she has some allies in SeattleBC- didn’t see Marsilia being anxious to owe a favor to any vampire—and a vampire who was so territorial that he allowed no other vampires at all was a poor candidate for cooperative problem solvingBC- civil war Marsilia had brewing in her seetheBC-

All a trick. You killed Stefan’s people—knowing he loved them. You tortured him. All to catch Estelle and me in our little rebellion … a rebellion born from the heart of your own AndreBC- The Lord of Night might be angry with me, but he would enjoy avenging me; the Lord of Milan talks of her to his courtiersFB- called Iacapo for aid but he was intrigued with Frost and would not helpFB- painting the Lord of Night created on the evening when she was banished is still on the wall above his bed so that he can show his lovers that none can compare with his Bright DaggerFB- Wulfe is her right hand nowNB-

With the Wolves: has been “asleep” for two centuries; awakened when she fed off SamuelMC-187 used to prefer wolves to more mundane preyMC-189 fed off the werewolf mistress of the Lord of Night, which is tabooMC-189 this is why she lost her place in Italy and was sent to AmericaMC-189 bespelled Samuel with her biteMC- owes the werewolves a blood price for the sorcerer vampire because of the hurt werewolvesBB- used Wulfe to magic a trap for the wolves at Uncle Mike's; they never found out it was her doing thanks to Mercy covering it upBC- Bran doesn't know her wellBC- had to enter negotations with the wolves for her attacks on MercyBC- owes the packFB- Because Marsilia benefited from our pack. No one wanted to take on Adam—and because Marsilia and Adam had cooperated a time or two, people thought that we cooperated more with the vampires than we really didFB- considers Adam her colleagueFB- need the pack to keep her seethe safe until she gets some more vampires with power here, but she doesn’t like us very muchNB-

With the Fae:

marsilia.1651099090.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/27 15:38 by theirine