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−Table of Contents
Identified Of Nature Supernaturals
This is a quick list of the all identified Of Nature supernaturals in the Mercyverse.
How to Read the Format:
Name: Alphabetical by first name (Some characters have had no last name reveal as yet) - Link will lead to individual character page with expanded details.
- IA: Initial Appearance (Book or Short Fiction) - Link will lead to series or short fiction summaries.
- First People Classification (If Known): Link will lead to pages with expanded details.
Main Characters
Mercy Thompson Series
- IA: As Joe Old Coyote Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
- IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked
- Avatar: Coyote Walkers
Identified First People
This is a quick list of the all identified first people in the Mercyverse.
Archetypal warrior spirits that pattern the Walkers
Coyote Sisters
Coyote's sisters
First People
Indigenous peoples both mundane and supernatural
Great Manitous
A supernatural being that controls nature; a spirit, deity, or object that possesses supernatural power. They can take the shape of people, though they are not people. They are powerful in their sphere of influence.
How to Read the Format:
Name: Alphabetical by first name (Some characters have had no last name reveal as yet) - Link will lead to individual character page with expanded details.
- IA: Initial Appearance (Book or Short Fiction) - Link will lead to series or short fiction summaries.
- First People Classification (If Known): Link will lead to pages with expanded details.
Main Characters
Mercy Thompson Series
- IA: As Joe Old Coyote Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
- IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked
- Avatar: Coyote Walkers