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Short Fiction Snapshot


Where it fits in the Mercyverse Timeline


A vampire buys the home where she lived with her husband, which has fallen into disrepair. She begins remodeling the place, only to find that old and beloved ghosts still linger.

Major Plot Points

  • Elyna returns to Chicago after having broken her maker bonds
  • she begins to renovate the house she and her husband shared before she killed him
  • his ghost haunts the house and slowly comes to interact with her again
  • she's has to come out of hiding to protect one of the men who has been helping her renovate when he is kidnapped by the local seethe
  • Elyna and ghost Jack kill the Master of Chicago
  • she refuses leadership and the new master of the seethe allows her to stay in Chicago separate from the seethe
  • she and Jack continue on with renovations


Organizations & Supernatural Groups

Groups that are involved in the main plot.

Organizations & Supernatural Groups
Chicago Seethe
Madison Seethe


Communities and businesses where the majority of events of the story take place.

Chicago, Illinois
Elyna Jack Apartment
Mercy's Garage

Articles of Magic

gray.1629184603.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/17 00:16 by linda