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Fae Types

This is a snapshot of all the fae types in the Mercyverse.

How to Read the Format:

Name: Alphabetical by type.
Fae Stratification (If known)
IA: Initial Appearance or Mention (Book or Short Fiction) - Link will lead to series or short fiction summaries and snapshot.
Characters Affiliated as this Fae Type - Link will lead to individual character pages with expanded details.

Known Characteristics & Information

  • Broken Down by Series/Short Fiction with page notation



Baba Yaga

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Baba Yaga

Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • able to heal mortal wounds
  • stories say she eats children
  • can fly through solid matter
  • flys in a giant mortar

Fire Touched

  • had a silver tooth but broke it in 1916
  • has a brass tooth
  • in the stories she was supposed to eat people with metal teeth that she would take out of her mouth and sharpen in front of her victims; supposed to be iron not brass203

Black Dog

Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Black Dog (1) Reservation

Known Characteristics & Information:
Night Broken

  • black dog is a common fae shape
  • meet a black dog at the crossing of two roads and you are sure to die129


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Brownie (1) Teacher
Brownie (2)

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • rocks and ponds in Ireland that bear the names of brownies that live there

Iron Kissed

  • sacrificed themselves for children in their care

Bone Crossed

  • causes mischief151
  • their magic seeks to lock others out295



Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction #4: Fairy Gifts
Hollister Leeds

Known Characteristics & Information:
Fairy Gifts

  • traditions of taking care of changelings, and those who might be changelings were adhered to still; even if the one they watched over was entirely human78

Dead Heat

  • a family with a changeling in it suffers and dies158
  • disguises itself as a human child159
  • fae who make themselves look like a child who's been stolen away172
  • takes very little magic, glamour variant 172
  • 5 changeling cases have been documented by police172



Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts

Known Characteristics & Information:
Fairy Gifts

  • iron-kissed91


Earthen Fae

Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #5: Burn Bright
Jonesy Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:


Fae Hounds

Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Silver Borne
Brewster Fae Hounds Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
Silver Borne

  • AKA Fear Hounds 270
  • their howls would drop a stag in its path
  • their gaze could scare a man to death
  • victim if tormented less than an hour would live to be tormented again, over that hour and their victim would die
  • looked a little like a giant beagle: with with brown spots, rounded ears that hung on either side of its faceSB-312
  • can break influence if stray too far


  • AKA faery sight hounds15; banehounds of old15; fae banehounds17
  • coats of white and rust15
  • do not make good slaves15
  • color of old blood and snow22
  • chaffing under the leash of the Forest Lord (1) Brewster26
  • overwhelming aura of terror46


IA: Mercy Thompson Series#1: Moon Called
Muryan (1)
Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • Muryan: a type of fairy

Fairy Queen

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Silver Borne
Daphne Rondo Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
Silver Borne

  • travels with five to twenty fairy follower
  • used to capture humans to use as servants/lovers
  • takes them to her own realm, like Underhill but different
  • laughter like tinkling of silver bells
  • mesmerizing spells
  • robs victims of free will; might have same effect on her fae followers
  • rule bound more than most fae, but powerful within those rules
  • not smart; makes assumptions
  • strong; ability to build a home and command many fae
  • tend to be musically talented284
  • in Elphame she rules utterly294
  • only she can release her thralls294
  • only the queen's glamour would work in her Elphame
  • can use the old magic to bind
  • the biggest weapon in the arsenal of a fairy queen is enthrallment

Frost Burned

  • weren't fae royalty precisely but had a gift that allowed them to enslave humans and fae alike215
  • almost like a honeybee queen, they set up courts designed to both feed their power and entertain themselves215

Fire Touched

  • rare ability to make anyone with less power than she had into a follower; a form of magical slavery143


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #4: Dead Heat
Amethyst Miller

Known Characteristics & Information:
Dead Heat

  • Fetch Riddle: What walks like a child and talks like a child and is left by the fae in the child’s right place?153
  • a bundle of sticks tied in the semblance of a human figure, arms and legs and head with a scrap of banded hair shoved into the middle of it153
  • a mannequin spelled to look like a child and act enough like a child that people who do not know what to look for believe it is a child158
  • a fetch is specifically a changeling that isn’t a real living thing172


Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Iron Kissed
Aiden Fideal

Known Characteristics & Information:
Iron Kissed

  • predator; prefers human flesh; had to eat barnyard animals
  • banned from eating humans by the Gray Lords
  • enjoys the chase
  • Scottish
  • water fae of some kind
  • doesn't like iron
  • covered in seaweed; might look like sort of a horse or some hooved animal; or a swamp thingy as big as a SUV
  • salt doesn't bother it
  • vagely horse shaped; the size of a large donkey
  • bugled like a stallion
  • can block his scent
  • gills in it's neck; fangs

Fire Touched

  • fae analog of the human pedophile; but the fae version usually ate its prey165
  • head more reptilian than equine; body was shaggy with fronds257


Fae Stratification: Royal Court Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts
Dragon Under the Hill Deceased
Margaret Flanagan

Known Characteristics & Information:
Fire Touched

  • Gray Lords have no authority to tell where to go or what to do141


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched

Known Characteristics & Information:
Fire Touched

  • they flit around and hear things159

Forest Lord

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Iron Kissed
Forest Lord (1) Brewster Deceased
Forest Lord (2) Trapped
Hendrick Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
Iron Kissed

  • powerful

Silver Borne

  • could influence beasts; can command beasts

Frost Giant

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • AKA snow elf; snow giant
  • * sheds snow
  • 10-feet tall
  • like a freight train
  • walks quietly
  • used to roam the mountains with a wolf pack at beck and call
  • beserker; lack of control

Silver Borne

  • AKA ice elf

Storm Cursed

  • when a frost giant says he's a snow elf, there aren't many, even among the fae, who would argue with him about it232

Smoke Bitten

  • likes to be called a snow elf; even though there is no such thing167


Gabriel Hounds

Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #*: Night Broken

Known Characteristics & Information:
Night Broken

  • meet Gabriel hounds at the crossing of two roads and you are sure to die129

Garden Sprite

Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Kieran McBride

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • can't hold cold iron, even through thick leather gloves
  • great charisma in a certain sort of ugliness15
  • are gentle folk and easy to look at15


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Iron Kissed
Giant (1) Jack
Giant (2) Custennin
Giant (3+) Forest

Known Characteristics & Information:
Iron Kissed

  • strong sense of smell
  • strong; able to rip a human's head from it's body

Silver Borne

  • beast-minded; more instinct than intelligent
  • those that survived the rise of metal-wielding humans died at the hands of the Gray Lords
  • instinctive behaviors weren't good enough to make sure you'd hide your nature from the humans
  • beasts controlled by the Forest Lord Brewster; last of them died under his hand

Fire Touched

  • a troll to a giant is like a rabbit to a wolf210

Fair Game

  • could follow a scent as well as a werewolf123
  • were beast-minded12
  • couldn't hide themselves from the cold-iron-carrying123


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae Caveat
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Austin Harris
Goblin (1) Skateboarder
Goblin (2) Scarred Deceased
Goblin (3) Wife Sethaway
Goblin (4) Daughter Sethaway Deceased
Goblin (5-10) Deceased
Goblin (11-12) Deceased
Larry Sethaway

Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • carrion feeder
  • hunt during the day; work for vampires

Fire Touched

  • a little unreliable129
  • they report to Columbia Basin Pack; three hundred for every stray vampire they sight in the territory; seethe pays them a thousand a month to keep looking129
  • neither fish nor fowl130
  • qualified as fae; could disguise what they were with illusion spells130
  • fae didn't want them; counted themselves as fae without argument from Gray Lords but didn't want to be fae130
  • could reproduce fast; if not faster than human130
  • many of the fae considered goblin flesh a delicacy130

Silence Fallen

  • a lot tougher than they were credit with by those that knew them13
  • in the habit of running; and only fighting when there was no way out13
  • running garnered them a reputation as supernatural wimps; a reputation they actively cultivated13
  • when cornered they were vicious and deadly13
  • weren't a long lived race, as fae went117
  • clever and more powerful than most people gave them credit for; often underestimated117
  • more reliable and oddly honorable for one of the fae folk117
  • were looked upon as scavengers119
  • didn't consider themselves fae; reverse wasn't true; most fae looked upon them as sort of lowborn, weak, stupid cousins119
  • some of the fae looked upon them as food; goblins never forgot that119
  • spoke a language that sounded vaguely Germanic; Norwegian or Norn or Old Icelandic173
  • more likely to fight well together175
  • everyone underestimated goblins242
  • goblins liked it best when no one noticed them228
  • do not usually interest themselves in the affairs of wolves330

Storm Cursed

  • could hear as well as werewolves5
  • are city denizens6
  • glamour isn't effortless8
  • humans had very little chance against goblins9
  • might be considered among the less powerful fae; didn't mean they were weak10
  • common lore said that goblins ran from trouble12
  • don't know if they're one of the immortal or nearly immortal fae14
  • impression they were one of the shorter-lived races; that may be wrong and may mean something different14
  • getting caught was very poorly thought of in goblin culture; getting caught by technology viewed even worse16
  • have glamour17
  • lesser fae like goblins, die the moment a lie, knowingly spoken, leaves their lips17
  • can hid behind a veil of magic so as not to trigger the bargain about lies; it is a version of glamour that the other fae do not have21
  • a secret that had been held forever21; most closely guarded secret22
  • an odd bunch22
  • so little power compared to the rest of the fae; yet some have gifts they would envy if they knew22
  • were soldiers in the fae wars36
  • hobgoblins and goblins are related; was a long way back and they both liked to pretend it wasn't so235

Smoke Bitten

  • control of glamour is different than other fae58
  • keep a pretty thorough watch in the Tri-Cities100
  • no idea how many goblins there are100
  • wouldn't betray the pack for money; have to abide by the bargains they make100
  • don't quite fit in178

Green Man

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Uncle Mike

Known Characteristics & Information:
Iron Kissed

  • charisma magic

Bone Crossed


Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • the metalsmiths, are not included with the lesser fae150

Blood Bound

  • old gremlins go out of their way to stay away from demon hosts

Iron Kissed

  • no such thing as a gremlin until Zee decided to call himself one
  • fae are gremlin only because they claim they are
  • gremlin is a term made up by British pilots in the Great War as an explanation for odd things that kept their planes from working51
  • not a real fae designation

Silver Borne

  • natural element was metal

Storm Cursed

  • were an invention of the twentieth century130
  • trivialized Mettalzauber power197

Gwyn ap Lugh

Fae Stratification: Gray Lord
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Alistair Beauclaire

Known Characteristics & Information:
Night Broken

  • son of Lugh18
  • smells like a lake; full of life and greenness with a hint of summer sun19



Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed

Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • carrion feeders
  • hunt during the day and work for vampires


Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Stacia Known Characteristics & Information:
Silence Fallen


Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts
Hiisi (1) Butte Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
Fairy Gifts

  • Iron-kissed91
  • a talent for finding what you held dear, and then using it to make you do his bidding


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed

Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • causes mischief151


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Silver

Known Characteristics & Information:

  • magic allows people to forget21
  • green-gray and covered with wiry hair from head to feet22
  • close to the Heart of Magic; like a shepherd who cared for the flocks22
  • veil of shadows magic22
  • practical and courageous24
  • a great deal stronger than they looked28
  • can dilute other fae power34
  • can read emotions more easily than words50

Fairy Gifts

  • not innocent78

Storm Cursed

  • as fast as fae get234
  • related to goblins but it was a long way back and they both liked to pretend it wasn't so235

Horned Lord

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Alpha & Omega Series #3: Fair Game
Benedict Heuter Deceased
Herne the Hunter

Known Characteristics & Information:
Fair Game

  • antlered123
  • never many of them, less than a handful123
  • last one this side of the Atlantic killed in 1981; hit by a car in Vermont123
  • capable of perceiving and hiding their scents; very strong123
  • howl; a wild piercing whistle sound; combination of elk bugle and stallion scream199
  • seriously stronger than a werewolf200
  • able to be invisible201
  • white stag magic; if you chase it you continue; never stopping until your legs are bloody stumps or you die206
  • heals faster than a werewolf273



Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Moon Called

Known Characteristics & Information:


Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts
Iku-Tursas Deceased
Known Characteristics & Information:
Fairy Gifts

  • Finnish fae92
  • dragon; sea serpent; is a little more than a mere sea dragon; It can take many forms92




Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • rocks and ponds in Ireland that bear the names of kelpies that live there

Iron Kissed

  • could take the form of a horse

Bone Crossed

  • thought extinct

River Marked

  • are rarer than selkies; and terrifying108


Love Talkers

Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Storm Cursed

Known Characteristics & Information:
Storm Cursed

  • fairy tale fae; male; voices can persuade155

Lugh the Longarm

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Night Broken
Lugh Deceased
Known Characteristics & Information:
Night Broken

  • started out a hero and was turning into something a lot different78
  • old and powerful; turned scary78

Fire Touched

  • warrior fae who'd been a combination of Superman and Hercules in the old songs and stories of the Celtic people56



Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5: Silver Borne
Ariana Brewster-Cornick Baby Cornick

Known Characteristics & Information:
Silver Borne

  • can work magic in silver
  • metals love their touch; magic flourishes
  • ability to imprint their magic on things
  • iron-kissed fae in their background; steel holds no terrors for them
  • holds earth, air, fire and water; ability to do great magic after most of Underhill was out of reach

Merrow Folk

Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Murdhuacha (1) Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • AKA merrow folk/mermen and mermaids273


Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Tad Adelbertsmiter
Zee Adelbertsmiter

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • * liked the modern era, with its steel and electricity, better than the old days because there was more for a Metallzauber, a gremlin, to do than build swords to kill other folk

Iron Kissed

  • one of the metal working fae51
  • a very broad category that contains very few members
  • one of the few kinds of fae with an affinity for iron, which gives them all sorts of advantages over the other fae


Fae Stratification: Gray Lords
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed

Known Characteristics & Information:
Iron Kissed

  • AKA The Carrion Crow
  • crow form is a big as a golden eagle with blood red eyes and a white spot on it's head
  • smells of rain, forest and good black garden soil in the spring
  • was one of the Morrigan, the battle goddesses of the Celts, one of her jobs was delivering the killing blow to the heroes dying in the aftermath of a battle to end their suffering162
  • old warrior with a sense of honor; wrongful death is an anathema
  • blind but perceives more clearly than most; can also use other's eyes to see
  • not what she once was; weak and blind and troubles herself overmuch with humans




Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Donnell Greenleaf

Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • were not tall; no more than four feet; stout “as a good oaken table”
  • black eyes
  • knows when the sun goes down
  • speaks Welsh; speaks to oaks
  • feeds from sunlight; and blood
  • in the old days they were given blood sacrifices to keep the trees happy286
  • are fair spearmen

Smoke Bitten

  • can gift oak trees; grow faster and have subtle magic24


Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3: Iron Kissed
Ogre (1-2)
Ogre (3) Zombie Deceased
Ogre (4) Birthday

Known Characteristics & Information:
Iron Kissed

  • 500-pound; ten-foot-tall
  • if got to point of tearing off a human's head would not have stopped until they'd had a bite or two
  • not particularly friendly

Bone Crossed

  • look like everyone else until they get ticked off

Storm Cursed

  • tough hide296
  • beefy hands
  • younger; eight-feet-tall; 400-500 pounds296
  • clans; in Scotland298


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked
Otterkin (1) Walmart Deceased
Otterkin (2) Sacrifice Deceased
Otterkin (3) Bearded Deceased
Otterkin (4) Club Deceased
Otterkin (5-6) Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
River Marked

  • remaining seven relocated from reservation to the Columbia River
  • aren't like the selkies, who are their closest kin118
  • other fae wear otter shapes, but aren't really related to otterkin
  • they don't interact with people well118
  • shapeshifters who can take human form though their true shape is otter; as humans they tend to resemble someone with severe autism: it got many burned at the stake119
  • they are territorial and don't kill people for food; implied they do kill people for other reasons120
  • very little magic of their own though they are clever with what they have, and they cooperate with each other120
  • when there were hundreds of them they were dangerous
  • are minor fae; they used to be very common but they aren't powerful; probably no more trouble than real otters would be210
  • not in good health when they were first put in the sanctuary
  • there were only seven in the sanctuary created for them near the camping ground120
  • sometimes people drown near otterkin lairs
  • were supposed to be friendly and helpful; being hunted to near extinction changes a lot of things
  • agile and fight like an otter; coming in close; fast and furious
  • turned back into otters when they died
  • despite what was said they were people-eating kind of fae

Frost Burned

  • some fae would argue that their deaths were a tragedy65

Night Broken

  • blood-thirsty and stupid; no loss24



Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercyverse Short Fiction: Fairy Gifts
Piru (1) Butte Deceased
Known Characteristics & Information:

  • Finnish fae93
  • one of the witty demons prone to games of wit93
  • or, one of the air ladies who hung out and looked beautiful until something ticked them off93


IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1:Moon Called
Pixie (1) Tinkerbell

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • wings



Roaring Bull of Bagbury

Fae Stratification: N/A
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed
Roaring Bull of Bagbury
Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • haunts bridges152



Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Selkie (1) Boating
Selkie (2-4) Underhill Deceased
Selkie (5)

Known Characteristics & Information:
Iron Kissed

  • smells like a seal
  • dwelt in or about the sea
  • can turn into seals27
  • wouldn't have a problem with salt

River Marked

  • interacted with people a lot108
  • closely related to Otterkin118

Fire Touched

  • tough271


Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • German fae
  • have stories that tell their name and give fair warning about what you're dealing with

Iron Kissed

  • entice ships onto rocks and then drown the surviving sailors

Smoke Weaver

Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Moon Called

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • German fae
  • has stories that tell their name and give you fair warning about the fae you might be dealing with

Smoke Bitten

Snow Elf

Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #4: Bone Crossed

Known Characteristics & Information:
Bone Crossed

  • not a true fae designation; see Frost Giant


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #7: Frost Burned

Known Characteristics & Information:
Frost Burned

  • fairly rare; nasty, bitter mischief-makers one and all188

Sprite Lord

Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Sprite Lord (1) Known Characteristics & Information:
Fire Touched

  • weak and stupid; not bothered as much by cold iron as most fae253
  • cockroaches of the fae; can't hurt much, but they won't die253
  • too likely to think about opportunity instead of danger254
  • can be a single body comprised of a hive of female sprites253



Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Troll (1) Banker
Old JarnivdDeceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • a relative to the Gremlin, but not close154
  • like money and extortion, a lot of them go into banking154

Fire Touched

  • nasty pieces of work134
  • smelled like water-fae magic and a bit like pepper40
  • more populous in continental Europe
  • lived near water by preference and, when they could, around bridges34
  • terrifying looking
  • tough, usually more brawn than brains, though they can talk, or most can35
  • skin is very thick; like a suit of armor35
  • equally comfortable on land or the water35
  • will eat people37
  • running would attract it's attention39
  • can feel you when you watch it40
  • can't connect to most bridges now; too many of the bridges today use too much steel65
  • aren't a lot of trolls left78



Fae Stratification: Greater Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #3:Iron Kissed
Tilly Known Characteristics & Information:
Fire Touched

  • but another form of fae163
  • is sensitive to metal163



Water Fae

Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #5:Silver Borne
Water Fae (1) Knight of the Water
Water Fae (2)
Known Characteristics & Information:
Silver Borne


Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
Known Characteristics & Information:

Widow Queen

Fae Stratification: Gray Lord
IA: Mercy Thompson Series #9: Fire Touched
Neuth Deceased Known Characteristics & Information:
Fire Touched

  • sidhe fae177
  • likes to play with the humans; causing misery which she can feed upon177
  • made her way into more than one folktale
  • when Underhill closed, she lost a great deal of her magic; lost the ability to feed off human misery; the power she enjoyed the most178

Wood Sprites

Fae Stratification: Lesser Fae
Known Characteristics & Information:




fae_types.1621964164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/25 10:36 by linda