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Ariana Cornick


Silver Borne

  • Alicia Brewster265
  • Silver305

Physical Description

Silver Borne

  • She'd altered her real appearance just enough that she looked human. Her skin was tanned and human-smooth, her eyes gray, and her hair blond341

Frost Burned

  • Her current facade was neither beautiful nor ugly, more of a pleasant average. Pale gold hair, more often found in children than adults before the advent of hair dye, framed her face and set off her soft gray eyes30
  • Apparent age between twenty-five and thirty30

Night Broken

  • Her hair was blond, her eyes gray, her skin clear, entire aspect unremarkable305


Ariana Cornick Injury Types/Scars
Mercy Thompson Series #5: Silver Borne
Injury Type/Scar Notes
Scars on Arm, Thigh, Face, Hand and Neck267 Appeared when Glamour Dropped
Scar on Top of Shoulder272 Samuel Cornick

Appearances & Mentions




  • Her power outshone her forest lord father's8
  • Strong with magic from both sides of her bloodline. The magic allowed her to heal from things that would have killed a hobgoblin. Her father was a forest lord, an independent but powerful fae, her mother one of the high ladies of the highest courts19

Silver Borne

  • Smelled of earth and forest and magic with a touch of something burning, air and salt water123
  • Brilliant grass green eyes that darkened to blue and brightened267
  • The pupils of her eyes widened past her changeable irises until her eyes were as black as a starless night. Then her glamour went all funky267
  • She moved like a wolf, bold and graceful and strong278
  • Without glamour, her skin was a warmer color than Zee's and several shades lighter. It was beautiful against silver-lavender hair that was no more than a finger-length long anywhere and floated out from her scalp more like plumage than hair. Ariana's clothes altered when her glamour dropped as well, into a simple knee-length dress of an off-white color with a handkerchief hem287
  • She wasn't conventionally beautiful-her face was too inhuman for that, with eyes that were too big and a nose too small for humanity287

Frost Burned

  • Ancient-older than Bran, Mercy thought32
  • Can sense silver but not call it to her33
  • Could feel someone's attention through the phone35
  • Can make her home difficult to find for a few hours36
  • Last of the powerful fae born after humans began to use iron. Even muted, she could wipe out a city block49
  • Her pupils and irises had vanished, and her eyes swallowed the light51
  • smelled like forest175

Night Broken

  • Under her glamour, she was spectacularly beautiful305
  • Commands earth, air, fire and water- though not as well as she once did306
  • Doesn't have even a tenth of the power she once had312



Family & Significant Other


Character Traits & Facts

Silver Borne

  • Her voice was lightly accented, some combination of British and Welsh275

Education, Work Experience & Languages

Spirituality & Personality

Frost Burned

  • She had this softness about her, a vulnerability that allowed her to be rather easily hurt32

Talents & Skills

Health & Fitness


Silver Borne

  • She can't even look at wolves without a panic attack257

Frost Burned

  • Had a deep-seated and totally justified terror of canids32


Ariana and Samuel

Silver Borne

  • Samuel didn't care about her scars, only the pain they represented272

Ariana and the Pack

Ariana and the Fae

Fire Touched

  • Ariana made herself unwelcome because of what she held144

Name: Ariana Brewster-Cornick

Appearances and Mentions:

Mercy Thompson 5: Silver Borne Mercy Thompson 6: River Marked Mercy Thompson 7: Frost Burned Mercy Thompson 8: Night Broken Mercy Thompson 9: Fire Touched

Short Story: Silver Short Story: Hollow

AKA: AriSB-267 | AliciaSB-265 | SilverSB-305

Gender: Female

Classification: Fae

Classification Description: [Type] N/A can work magic in silver and so she was namedSB-269 can imprint her magic on thingsSB-269 psychometrySB-281 she works off ties, the threads that bind us to those things that are oursSB-281 iron-kissed fae in her background, steel holds no terror for herSB-290; metals loved her touchSB-269 can true nameSB-277 she holds earth, air, fire, and water; it is what made her do great magic after most of Underhill was out of reachSB-307 [Dropped Glamour]N/A skin is a warmer color than Zee's and several shades lighter darker than Mercy's or lighter than Darryl's, texture was softer than human skinSB-268 silver-lavender hair that was no more than a finger-length long anywhere and floated out from her scalp more like plumage than hair not conventionally beautiful – her face was too inhuman for that, with eyes that were too big and a nose too small for humanity has a lot of scars; the skin tone around them was darker than the one she wore to hide from the worldSB-268

looked much like Ariana but the eyes were always deep, fathomless, blackSi Dual-natured: Ariana's beast was born of that heritageSi had her father not brutalized her with pain and the terror of the hounds , it would never have materialized [Glamour] Human Guise | Grandmother [Alicia] smells of earth and forest and magic with a touch of something burning, air and salt waterSB-123 grandmotherly roundness and wrinklesSB-123 changeable irisesSB-265 hazel eyesSB-123 brilliant grass green eyes that darkened to blue and brightenedSB-267 eyes as black as a starless nightSB-265 [Glamour] Human Guise | Young woman [Ariana] skin is tanned and human-smoothSB-341 eyes graySB-341 hair is blondSB-341; pale goldFB-30 neither beautiful nor ugly, more of a pleasant averageFB-30 her apparent age is somewhere between twenty-five and thirtyFB-31 there are traces of her fae-self in her faceFB-31

Father: See Forest Lord Brewster (X)

Mother: Sidhe Lady | Name Unknown

Children: [Son] | Name Unknown(X)SB-280 [Children] | Names Unknown SB-278

Other Relatives: N/A

Significant Other: [Husband] | Name Unknown(X) SB-278 [Husband & Mate] See Samuel Cornick

Residence: Richland, WA | See | Condo

Occupation: N/A

Employer: N/A

Physical Description: See Classification Description | Dropped Glamour&Glamour Character Traits & Facts:

Education, Work Experience & Languages: Once a spell was sealed into the silver, she could not unwork itSi- Ariana means silver in WelshSB-281 her voice is lightly accented, some combination of British and Welsh or a related languageSB-276

Spirituality & Personality: Once, she was lovely and sweet and, it hurts me to confess, spoiled. Beloved daughter. But immortality is more curse than blessing. All things pass awaySi- If you hurt her or scare her, the beast will attack. It is dangerousSi- has a sense of humorSB-276 ancient-older than Bran-but has a softness about her, a vulnerability that allowed her to be rather easily hurtFB-32

Talents & Skills: strong with magic from both sides of her bloodlineSi- the beast had powers that Ariana did notSi- walked with the poise her mother had drilled into her before she left; advantage of moving with grace was that it kept her centeredSi- burnt out her magic in the making of the Silver BorneSi- is a weaverSi- silver loves meSi- her magic flourished in a time where fae were dying from cold ironSB- has an affinity for silver; can sense it but not call it to herFB-33 Silver Borne keeps her power muted; last of the powerful fae born after humans began to use ironFB-49 even muted, she could wipe out a city block or rend people to shreds if that was the form her madness tookFB-49

Health & Fitness: her magic allowed her to heal from things that would have killed lesser faeSi has panic attacksSB-277; and they're dangerousSB-269 doesn't move like a human, she moves like a wolf, bold and graceful and strongSB-278 if she really freaked out, Samuel was worried that the Silver Borne might give her back everything it had taken from every fae for as long as it had existedFB-49

Injuries: little scar on her arm, six-inch-by-four-inch scar on her leg that looked deep and stiff-a wound that healed badly enough that it probably interfered with her ability to use that leg, scarred areas on her face, hand and neck

Quirks: listen in doorwaysSi-


With Mercy:

With Samuel: Samuel gave her the scar at the top of her shoulderSB-272 wasn’t used to small kindnesses being dealt out by men, and she felt herself falling under the spell of the soft-spoken SamuelSi- Silverheart, Ariana’s heart. Her body loved his form, but her heart loved the man within who had so much kindness inside himSi-

With Her Father: See Fae Hounds

With the Fae: See Silver Borne no follower and her allegiance is not longer to the Gray Lords, if it ever wasFB-31 was allowed to leave the reservation under the condition she do nothing to draw attention to herself; and take the Silver Borne with herFB-31

With the Phin: she adores Phin, he's like her son who she lost long agoSB-280

With the Wolves: deep-seated and totally justified terror of canids, which she'd only overcome with people she knew well - meaning SamuelFB-32 she liked Peter; Samuel had asked him to help Ari with her fear of werewolvesFB-51

ariana_cornick.1646484365.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/05 04:46 by theirine