Her power amassed around her, different now than it had been when they’d first sent her to her own kind for training. Her magic had been wild and hot, but this power was as dark and cold as her voice had been122
Stole the bond between Asil and his mate173
Could control werewolves with her magic187
Could break into a pack's magic207
From one of the greatest of the witch families214
Their greatest spell; to have guardians on their grounds, great beasts who patrolled and killed for them but never needed food or drink; it was rumoured that they made them from living creatures - they had a menagerie; such powerful spells are never made without blood and death214
Because she is, through Asil, a de facto member of the pack—she might have managed to combine the Marrok’s powers with her own218
Gotten her ability through some kind of binding to a werewolf229
Hide-me-spell; Witches could hide in plain sight if they had some sort of hold on you238
Was a witch, and had no control of her powers; needed to be trained242